- Biedenharn Museum and Gardens
The Biedenharn Museum and Gardens is a
botanical garden located beside theOuachita River at 2006 Riverside Drive,Monroe, Louisiana . It is open Monday-Saturday, and half days Sunday.The museum was built in 1913 as a private home by
Joseph Augustus Biedenharn (December 13, 1866-October 9, 1952), who is credited with first bottling the popular soda fountain drinkCoca-Cola in the summer of 1894.The gardens include "
Abelia ", "Althaea", "Amaryllis ",azalea s, bachelor's button,begonia s, berrying hollies, "Caladium ", "Calendula ",camellia s, candytuft,chrysanthemum s,crape-myrtle s, daffodils, daylilies,dogwood , flowering maple, flowering quince,geranium s,Grancy graybeard , "Hibiscus ", "Hosta ",hydrangea , "Impatiens ", irises, Japanese magnolia, jessamine,lantana , "Liriope", "Lycoris",marigold s,mock-orange ,nandina , pansies, "Pentas ", periwinkles,petunia s, "Phlox ", "Poinsettia ", "Pyracantha ", redbud, "Salvia ", snapdragons, sasanqua, "Scilla ", shrimp plant,magnolia s, "Spathiphyllum ", "Spiraea ",star bush , sweet alyssum, sweet olive,tulip s, and winter honeysuckle.See also
List of botanical gardens in the United States The director of the museum for the past decade is Ralph Calhoun. They are currently in the process of adding a new building for the use of a gift shop, educational program, and offices.External links
* [http://www.bmuseum.org/ Official site]
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