- The Centaur
"The Centaur" is a 1963 novel by
John Updike . It won theNational Book Award in 1964. The story concerns George Caldwell, a school teacher, and his son Peter, outside of Alton (i.e.,Reading ), Pennsylvania. The novel explores the relationship between the depressive Caldwell and his anxious son. George has largely given up on life; what glory he knew, as a football player and soldier in World War II, has passed. He feels put upon by the school's principal, and he views his students as hapless and uninterested in anything he has to teach them. Peter, meanwhile, is a budding aesthete who idolizes Vermeer and dreams of becoming a painter in a big city, like New York. He has no friends his age, and regularly worries that his peers might detect his [psoriasis] , which stains his skin and flecks his clothes every season but summer. One thing George and Peter share is the desire to get out, to escape their hometown. This masculine desire for escape appears in Updike's famed "Rabbit" novels. Similarly, the novel's image of Peter's mother alone on an unfarmed farm, is one we later see in Updike's 1965 novelOf the Farm .Like
James Joyce and hisUlysses , Updike drew on the myths of antiquity in an attempt to turn a modern and common scene into something more profound, a meditation on life and man's relationship to nature and eternity. George is both theCentaur Chiron andPrometheus , Mr. Hummel, the automobile mechanic, is [Hephaestus] (AKA Vulcan); and so forth. The novel's structure is unusual; the narrative shifts from present day (late 1940s) to retrospective (early 1960s), from describing the characters as George, Vera, and the rest, to the Centaur, Venus, and so forth. It also is punctuated with a feverish dream scene and a newspaper obituary of George. Near the end of the book, Updike includes an untranslated Greek sentence. The translation is as follows: "Having an incurable wound, he delivered himself into the cave. Wanting, and being unable, to have an end, because he was immortal, [then with] Prometheus offering himself toZeus to become immortal for him, thus he died." This quote is fromApollodorus , Library and Epitome, 2.5.4, and describes the death of Chiron.The character of Peter is similar to Updike himself; both had schoolteacher fathers, lived in rural
Pennsylvania , were passionate about painting, and suffered frompsoriasis .Portions of the novel first appeared in "Esquire" and "
The New Yorker ".This book changes perspective nearly every chapter, and can be hard to follow at times. A largely accepted title by teachers, yet it is advised that plenty of time is devoted to it as to help the reader fully understand the intellectuality of this novel.
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