Saraswathi Shloka

Saraswathi Shloka

Saraswathi Shloka is a Hindu prayer chanted before beginning a class or at the beginning of one’s studies so that all learning may resolve in knowledge alone. It is addresses ther Goddess Saraswathi, who symbolizes all forms of knowledge, including the knowledge of the performing arts. Knowledge is a fundamental pursuit of human life, and a life of study and learning provides nourishment and discipline to the human intellect. In the Vedic culture, study is considered one’s duty.

Saraswathi Namastubhyam

Varade Kamarupini

Vidyarambam Karishyami

Siddhir Bhavatu Me Sada

Sanskrit word meanings

  • Saraswathi - O Goddess of Knowledge Saraswathi
  • Namstubhyam - salutations to you
  • varade - one who gives boons
  • kamarupini - one who fulfills desires
  • vidyarambaham - to begin my studies
  • karisyami - I am going
  • siddhirbhavatu - may there be accomplishment
  • me - for me
  • sada - always.


O Goddess Saraswathi; salutations to you, the giver of boons, the one who fulfills desires. I shall begin my studies. May there always be accomplishment for me.

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