King's Quest (fan games)

King's Quest (fan games)

There have been several King's Quest fangames both original and retellings of the original games that have been released by various developers.



Interactive Fantasies created two of the earliest KQ fan adventures were created while Sierra's was still producing games in the King's Quest Series. In 1997, they created two overhead adventure action-RPG interquel games set after KQ7 using Epic Megagames' ZZT software, King's Quest ZZT and King's Quest ZZT 2. In an idea predating 1998's Mask of Eternity, the game includes weapons and enemies to fight (in a similar style to Ys series by bumping into the enemies, or manually firing arrows), and even includes a few side-scrolling platformer arcade sequences.[1][2]

AGD Interactive (previously Tierra Entertainment) has released three games so far.[citation needed] First, they created a more or less straight remake of King's Quest: Quest for the Crown, with advanced VGA-style graphics and a voice soundtrack.[3][4][5][6] They moved onto create a retelling of King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne, creating an all new story inspired by the original game.[7] In February 2011, they released King's Quest III Redux, an enhanced retelling of KQ3 (continuing ideas that first appeared in Romancing the Stones). It was not a straight remake as their KQI remake, nor was it a full overhaul like their KQII remake had been; in fact, many of the elements of the original KQIII story were left intact, but details were altered to create a more challenging experience, and the story was tweaked to incorporate elements of the KQII rewrite as progressing into KQIII.

Infamous Adventures released a remake of King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human (on June 19, 2006). The release includes Video Graphics Array-style graphics and an advanced music and voice soundtrack for the game.[8][9][10] It offers several new and extended cut scenes, a few tweaks to locations, a new ending, and a streamlined spell casting system. They are currently developing a new game based on the novel King's Quest: Kingdom of Sorrow. It is an interquel set between KQ2 and KQ3.[11][12]

Phoenix Online Studios is currently developing The Silver Lining (game). It is an episodic game series based on the King's Quest series. It is an unofficial sequel, taking place where King's Quest 8 left off. Three episodes of the game has been released so far.

Smaller developers have released assorted games set in the KQ universe as well. Steve Lingle created a text based remake of King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder.[13] A small team known as Intermezzo Software created an interquel between KQ2 and KQ3, using Sierra's classic AGI system (requires DosBox). Finally, Joel Page created a short adventure starring Cedric the Owl from King's Quest V, set after KQ8.

In some cases a few of Sierra's former employees such as Josh Mandel, Lori Ann Cole and Andy Hoyos became involved with the fan games, lending their voices to characters. In the case of King's Quest III Redux, several professional actors/actresses lended their voices on a couple of characters, including Robert Adamson.

Fan games

  • King's Quest ZZT (1997) - by Interactive Fantasies[14]
  • King's Quest ZZT 2 (1998) - by Interactive Fantasies[15]
  • King's Quest I VGA (2001)/Enhanced Edition (2009), unofficial modernized VGA remake of King's Quest I SCI by AGD Interactive (formerly "Tierra Entertainment").
  • King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones (2002)/Enhanced Edition (2009), also by AGD Interactive, based on King's Quest II.
  • King's Quest 2 ¼: Breast Intentions (2005) - a game by Intermezzo Software.[16][17][18]
  • King's Quest III (2006), by Infamous Adventures, unofficial modernized VGA remake of King's Quest III.
  • King's Quest V - The Text Adventure (2007) - created by Steve Lingle, it is an unofficial text adventure remake of King's Quest V.[19][20]
  • Owl's Quest: Every Owl has it's Day (2007)[21]
  • King's Quest III Redux (2011), by AGDI
  • Peasant's Quest by Homestar Runner, a satirical parody of King's Quest and similar adventure games, set in the world of Peasantry.

Fan Games Under development

  • The Silver Lining (game) (2011), by Phoenix Online Studios.[1]
  • King's Quest: Kingdom of Sorrow, by Infamous Adventures. An original adventure inspired by the novel.[22][23]
  • King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne SCI[24][25]

Game descriptions

King's Quest ZZT

Alexander sets out on adventure to stop Ravenlos (the evil cousin of Mordack and Manannan).[14]

Following Rosella and Valenice's return to Castle Daventry, a big festival is held. A messenger comes to the castle, explaining to them that Ravenlos, the evil cousin of the sorcerer Manannan has conquered the island of Llewdor, and is planning to conquer Daventry. Graham was furious of the news, and asked his son Prince Alexander to defend the kingdom. Alexander was not willing to go fight against him and his army, until his father collapses sick, which changes Alexander's mind. Alexander visits the old wise gnome for a medicine for his father, and after he is healed, he sets off for the long and dangerous mission. Along the way he meets strange creatures like Centaurs, Elves and Ogres and visits many places, like the mountains of Llewdor, the island of Tamir, and the Aberian Desert.

King's Quest ZZT 2

Alexander travels to stop invading forces of the Relentless Army, and the Kingdom of Dalban[15]

Owl's Quest: Every Owl has its Day

A game starring Cedric from King's Quest V, set after KQ8. Cedric receives an invitation from King Alexander to attend a birthday ceremony in the Land of the Green Isles. Having had a curse put on him by Crispin, Cedric must attempt to make his way to Crispin and have the curse removed so he can fly to the Green Isles. Cedric explores new locations in Serenia, including Cedric's treehouse, the inverted tower of Rupenzal, and thwarts snakes and scorpions to make his way to Cedric's house. The game includes a full voice cast.[21]

King's Quest 2 ¼: Breast Intentions

KQ2 ¼ is an interquel between KQ2 and KQ3. Valanice sets out on an adventure to find her kidnapped son, and save him from starvation. The game uses the classic AGI system. Along the way she meets the woodcutters and his wife, pirates, henchmen, Charon, Rumplestiltskin, and others.[16][17][18]

King's Quest 1: Quest for the Crown VGA

In 2001, the group AGD Interactive (then known as Tierra Entertainment) released an unofficial remake based on Sierra's 1990 version of King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown, updating the graphics to use VGA colors, dropping the parser in favor of an interface that mimics that of King's Quest V and VI, as well as adding full speech for all characters of the game. The latter is especially noteworthy in that even though it is an unofficial, fan-made project, the game's protagonist Sir Graham is voiced by Josh Mandel,[citation needed] who also spoke the part in Sierra's official CD-ROM full-speech versions of King's Quest V and VI. In 2003 they released version 3.0, which added translation pack support, bug fixes, optimized music and speech packs. This version of the game used modified artwork with elements fripped from various adventure games including Quest for Glory V, and Quest for Glory IV, combined with the artwork from KQ1SCI.

In January 2009, AGD Interactive released version 4.0 of the game, under the fan license from Vivendi Universal. The graphics, animations and voice-acting was redone and improved dramatically, including corrections to a long list of problems compiled from fan feedback. This version also added voice overs for the narration.

All versions of the game sticks largely to KQ1SCI version, with a few minor changes to the script, and art design. There are a few reinterpretations of the characters such as the Gnome, Dwarf and Troll. Some of these reinterpreted characters later reappeared in in later games in AGDI's reimagined KQ trilogy including King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones (the Dwarf), and King's Quest III Redux (the Gnome) but with expanded roles.


One thing the fan games have in common is that most have eliminated the 'wrap-around' in the world (that is traveling in one direction will lead back to the screen where the player began). Most of the fan games (with the exception of King's Quest I VGA) have added natural boundaries surrounding the kingdoms, preventing travel to far to the north or the south.

In King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones there is an impassible swamp, a tangled forest and a town that were added to the north of Kolyma to prevent too much travel to the north. More areas can be seen beyond the town but the narrator points out that there is nothing of interest for your character to travel that way. On the southern edge of Kolyma are boulders, logs and rocky outcroppings that prevent travel to the south. A mountain blocks travel to the east and the ocean blocks travel to the west (the player will drown if they try to swim too far). Whereas in the original there were no boundaries to the north and the south and the map would just 'wrap around'.

In Infamous Adventure's King's Quest III, there are cliffs and a swamp blocking passage to the north side of Kolyma. A large crevasse, and a broken bridge, block travel to the south. The desert is known as the desert of Talinor.

In King's Quest III Redux the northern edge of Llewdor is blocked by rocky mountains and bluffs and a cave near the desert. The travel into the desert is blocked by an overlook. The southern edge of Llewdor is blocked by rocks or a fence. The desert is known as the Llewdorian desert and it is hinted that the land of Shapeir lies on the other side.

The Silver Lining and the ZZT series expand on the lands visited in previous games showing new locations in those lands. TSL expands into new locations in the Green Isles and ZZT explores new locations in Daventry, Llewdor and Tamir (in addition to adding boundaries to those lands).


The King's Quest fan series like their predecessors are often inspired by classical fairy tales, fantasy, classic horror, and mythology.

Whereas the original series references to other works were often direct, some of the fan developers such as AGD Interactive chose to obscure the references in some way. For example Dracula (who was directly taken from the novel of the same name) was replaced with the Count Caldaur who instead of being evil turns out to be good. Little Red Riding Hood was replaced by the character Possum/Anastasia, and Grandma became Lavidia (curiously Anastasia can be seen reading a copy of Little Red Riding Hood, further showing that she is not the classic fairy tale character). Medusa was replaced with the character Smaude, who turns out to be a cursed maiden and innocent.

Good and evil

Good and evil are In the fan games are often defined in more conspiratorial forms. In a couple of the series it is shown that the Black Cloak Society is behind much of the evil in the world, and the house of Daventry appears to be fated to stop the evil.

Characters of the King's Quest fan series

Good guys

  • Edward: Edward the Benevolent was the former king of Daventry. He appears in King's Quest I VGA and KQ2: Romancing the Stones. In Stones, he appears at the end of the game in spirit to congratulate Graham and Valanice at their wedding in Kolyma's castle.
  • Graham: He is the king of Daventry. In King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones, King's Quest III VGA, and King's Quest III Redux, Josh Mandel reprises his voice role from King's Quest V and King's Quest 6. Graham is a playable character in KQ1VGA, KQ2RTS, and The Silver Lining, and appears in the other fan games.
  • Valanice: Valanice is the queen of Daventry. In TSL, she is the daughter of Manannan and a Druidess. She was once a member of the Black Cloak Society, before she was locked away in the tower in Kolyma by her own father and Hagatha. She appears in KQ2: Romancing the Stones, both KQ2 remakes, and The Silver Lining. She is the playable character in Breast Intentions.
  • Alexander/Gwydion: He is the prince of Daventry, and later king of the Green Isles. In TSL, he is the grandson of Manannan. In KQ3 Redux, he does not know how to swim (a change from the original). He is the playable character in both KQ3 remakes, and the ZZT series. He also appears in The Silver Lining and Breast Intentions. In KQ3 by Infamous Adventures, he is played by Robert Adamson.
  • Rosella: She is the princess of Daventry. In TSL she was cursed with a sleeping spell by Shadrack at her wedding to Edgar. Rosella appears in KQ2: Romancing the Stones, both KQ3 remakes, The Silver Lining, the ZZT series, and Breast Intentions.
  • Cedric: Cedric is the owl familiar of Crispin. He appears as an easter egg in Romancing the Stones, and stars in Owl's Quest.
  • Edgar
  • Cassima


  • The Father (Morgeilen): The leader of the Black Cloaks in AGD Interactive's series. He was once the brother of Daventry's First King, Legenimor.
  • Hagatha: Hagatha is an evil witch and mage living in Kolyma. She appears in several fan games including Romancing the Stones, The Silver Lining, and Breast Intentions. In KQ2RTS she is the sister of both Manannan and Mordack. She is portrayed as a member of the Black Cloak Society in both AGD Interactive and Phoenix Online Studios series.
  • Mordack: He is an evil wizard, and the brother of Manannan, and the brother of Manannan. In KQ2RTS, he is also the brother of Hagatha. He lives on an island far out at sea. In King's Quest III (Infamous Adventures), Andy Hoyos reprises his role from King's Quest V. Manannan visits him at his island to explain his plans to kill the young Gwydion, and find a new slave.
  • Manannan: He is an evil wizard, he is the brother of Mordack. In AGD Interactive's series he is also the brother of Hagatha. In The Silver Lining, he is Valanice's father, and Alexander is his grandson He appears in the two KQ3 fan remakes and The Silver Lining. He is portrayed as a member of the Black Cloak Society in both AGD Interactive and Phoenix Online Studios series. In Infamous Adventure's KQ3 he is portrayed by Andy Hoyos (who did the voice of Mordack in KQ5).
  • Lolotte: Lolotte was an evil fairy living in Tamir. In KQ3 Redux she is said to be the sister of Malicia. In both AGD Interactive and Phoenix Online Studio's series she is portrayed as a emmber of the Black Cloak Society. In TSL she was supposed to have been searching for Pandora's Box for the Black Cloaks to release the Shadows of former society members trapped inside.
  • Malicia: She is an evil fairy of Etheria. In KQ3R she is said to be the sister of Lolotte. In TSL she is the sister of Titania, and said to be one of the rare fairies with human appearance, like Edgar. She is portrayed in the fan games as another member of the Black Cloak Society.
  • Abdul Alhazred: Mainly mentioned in The Four Winds (supplementary material to The Silver Lining). He was put on trial, where he attempted to be his own lawyer and lost.
  • Shadrack: The leader of the Black Cloaks in The Silver Lining and most King's Quest fan fiction. He appears in The Silver Lining and briefly at the end of Owl's Quest.
  • Enchanter: The enchanter lives in a magically furnished cave at the top of the mountains in Kolyma. This evil sorcerer is not the same person who appeared in Kings Quest I VGA (as Kings Quest I's sorcerer is in the audience at the endgame). He's even more dangerous. Like he did in the original Kings Quest II, he appears in certain screens as a random "monster" and turns Graham into an animal if he catches him. Of course, if the dwarf can have a cozy home to return to after a long and hard day of giving others a hard time, so can this guy.
  • Ravenlos: He is the evil wizard and the cousin of Mordack and Manannan. He took over Manannan's house following his cousin's defeat by Gwydion. He appears in King's Quest ZZT and mentioned in King's Quest ZZT 2.
  • Boris Darkov "The Relentless", he is the leader of the Relentless Army, and ultimate villain in King's Quest ZZT 2. He conquered Castle Daventry, driving the Royal Family to Isle of the Rebellions, south of Llewdor. He is ultimately defeated by Alexander, who retakes the castle.
  • Three-headed dragon:
  • Dwarf: This sneaky little pest is the same dwarf who already roamed Daventry's countryside in Kings Quest I VGA. In the original Kings Quest II, he was a random monster of some sort. He appeared in certain places and stole stuff from you. In the remake, he has become an even bigger pest than he was before.
  • Troll: The Troll was an extremely ugly, mean, and nasty creature guarding the bridges of Daventry. He was an hairy being with a big nose, large black eyes, and big foot like body. Hair covered most of his body, including his bearded face, except for his chest, and he wore a pair of red overalls. He was a gruff individual, who demanded a toll from anyone who tried to cross the bridges to the island he guarded. Graham was able to overcome him by leading a goat to knock him into the rushing river below. In KQ1VGA, the troll appears to be largely inspired by the traditional appearance of Scandinavian trolls.
  • Medusa:


  • Caldaur: He is the count of the land of Kolyma in KQ2: Romancing the Stones. He replaces Dracula from the original. Caldaur is both a villain (a member of the Black Cloaks), but is redeemed through the actions of King Graham. He later goes onto officiate the wedding of Graham and Valanice.
  • Legenimor: He was once the First King of Daventry and brother of Morgeilen.
  • Titania:
  • Crispin:
  • Yeti:
  • Hassan:
  • Oracles:
  • Ranger:
  • Gnome:
  • Hakim:
  • Oberon:
  • Shamir Shamazel:
  • Jollo:
  • Saladin, Shorty, and the Guard Dogs:
  • Ali:
  • Archdruid:
  • Black Widow:
  • Aeriel:
  • Azure:
  • Angelina:
  • Hank: Hank is the loyal dog of the shopkeeper of Llewdor in King's Quest III redux. He loves to his ears scratched. Hank replaced the character Kenny from the original KQ3.
  • Morrigan:
  • The Fates:
  • Mama Pumpkin:
  • Baby Pumpkin:
  • Herbert and Lillian: The parents of Possum/Anastasia. They were killed by the Brotherhood of the Pack. They became ghosts that haunt the graveyard of Kolyma's castle.
  • Possum/Anastasia:
  • Connor:
  • Smaude: Smaude was once a beautiful woman, spurned by too many men. She developed a cold hatred for men. In time she became cursed and was transformed into a monstrous gorgon. Unable to be out in public she moved into a cave in the Llewdorian desert. Many men traveled to the cave attempting to defeat her, but failed and turned to stone. Gwydion entered her cave and attempted to take a treasure there. Smaude questioned his motives, and after hearing his answers, she bid him to look upon her form. Gwydion overcame his fear choosing to look on her under his own free will, as he had a pure heart, he was immune to her gaze. Finally shown that not all men are evil, the curse was broken and she returned to her true form. Later, she is seen returning to the village. Voiced by Lori Ann Cole (one of the developers/producers of the Quest for Glory series) who had previously did the voice of Queen Icebella in King's Quest V.


The Royal Family of Daventry

The main protagonists of the fan games (like the main series) are the family of King Graham. The fan games follow the adventures of Graham, his son Alexander, and even Valanice.

Black Cloak Society

In the Fan Games and other fan fiction most of the villains in the KQ games are often tied into the Black Cloak organization. It is often portrayed that there is a conpiracy by the organization to take over the various lands of the world.

The Black Cloak Society is a the name of the Society of the Black Cloak as it is usually referred to by the fans. They see it as a shadowy organization made up of political dignitaries, malevolent wizards, witches, magicians, and sorcerers who desire power both magical and political. They speculate that that the organization has vast levels of influence and power in kingdoms across the world of Daventry. They include many of the villains of the King's Quest Games as members of the group in the fan games and fan fiction.[26]

The Society appears in different forms, having different motivations in both AGD Interactive's series (King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones and King's Quest III Redux), and Phoenix Online Studio's The Silver Lining.[27]

Silver Cloak Society

The Silver Cloak Society is an organization that appears in The Silver Lining. The Silver Cloak Society was a society that have been at odds with the Black Cloak Society for one thousand years. They were a highly secrative society, more so than the Black Cloaks.


The Zodiacs are twelve members of the Silver Cloak Society who bonded their souls to the Zodia Stone. They are named for each of the twelve astrological signs. They are mentioned in The Silver Lining. They were once led by Leo the Noble.[28]


The Shadows are members of Black Cloak Society who were transformed into evil shadowy creatures through their use of dark magic. They have been sealed away in Pandora's Box.[29]


Relentless Army

The Relentless Army is an army of mercenaries and assassins that conquered the Island of Llewdor. They may have been hired by the Kingdom of Dalban to help take over Daventry. However, it is possible that the army made its own decision to conquer Daventry for its own purposes. Boris Darkov, the high commander and marshall of the Relentless Army attempted to turn Castle Daventry into his base of operations. They appear in King's Quest ZZT 2.


The Rebellions is an organization appearing in King's Quest ZZT 2. They are a group of rebels living on the Island of the Rebellions to the south of the Island of Llewdor. They are a group of humans rebelling against the Relentless Army. They used to be inhabitants of the small harbor town on Llewdor. They were driven out of their houses by the Relentless Army and their Ogre allies. They joined forces with escaped slaves, and settled on the island.

Brotherhood of the Pack

The Brotherhood of the Pack is an evil group of lycanthropic monks, living in Kolyma. They are led by Llowh'wof. They have often been at odds with the local counts, over the power of the church and state. They advocate religious rule, while the counts have always supported more secular-based society. This disagreement has led the Brotherhood to try to kill the last of Kolyma's counts, Caldaur, in an attempt take over the land. They appear in King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones.



  1. ^'s_Quest_ZZT
  2. ^'s_Quest_ZZT_2
  3. ^ Adventure Gamers reviews
  4. ^,562
  5. ^ AGD Interactive
  6. ^ JA: The State of Adventure Gaming
  7. ^ Adventure Gamers review
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. ^ "Infamous Adventures". Infamous Adventures. Retrieved 2011-02-03. 
  11. ^ "King's Quest III has been released!". Infamous Adventures Forums. 2006-06-19. 
  12. ^ Gunnar Harboe (2006-06-19). "Infamous classic starts an old Quest anew". Adventure Gamers. 
  13. ^ "King's Quest V - The Text Adventure (FULL VERSION) - Play online". Retrieved 2011-02-03. 
  14. ^ a b "King's Quest ZZT". Retrieved 2011-02-03. 
  15. ^ a b "King's Quest ZZT 2". Retrieved 2011-02-03. 
  16. ^ a b "Intermezzo Software Home Page". Retrieved 2011-02-03. 
  17. ^ a b Game download (requires DOSbox)
  18. ^ a b
  19. ^ "King's Quest V - The Text Adventure (FULL VERSION) - Play online". 2007-02-15. Retrieved 2011-06-01. 
  20. ^
  21. ^ a b "Owl's Quest: Every Owl has it's Day - King's Quest Omnipedia". 2011-01-26. Retrieved 2011-02-03. 
  22. ^ "Infamous Adventures". Infamous Adventures. Retrieved 2011-06-01. 
  23. ^
  24. ^ "SCI Community Design Desktop Game Server". Retrieved 2011-06-01. 
  25. ^
  26. ^
  27. ^
  28. ^ The Silver Lining, Episode 2 and Episode 3.
  29. ^ The Silver Lining, Episode II.

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