Oscar A Jofre

Oscar A Jofre

Oscar A Jofre Jr,[1][2], a Chilean-born entrepreneur, and technology specialist, is the founder of Ottawa-based BabelFish Corporation (January 1999), a SaaS-based multilingual translation portal.[3]

In 1996, Jofre co-founded the Canadian Network of Language Industries Network (CLIN-RCIL)[4], and sat on its Sectoral Committee, in response to a federal government mandate to bring the language industry together. From 2002-2003, he sat on the steering committee of the Language Industry Technology Roadmap (LITR), an initiative set in motion by Industry Canada and the National Research Council of Canada, whose aim was to “identify the stakeholders in this industry, determine their profile, pinpoint growth sectors, take stock of Canadian research in those fields, and suggest measures to ensure a leadership position at the international level.”[5] Jofre was also the only Canadian on the United Nations/MIT Digital Nations Board (1999-2002), whose first mandate was to explore Esperanto, the most widely spoken constructed auxiliary language in the world.

In 2003, Jofre founded BoardSuite,[6][7][8] a SaaS-based, secure web application-collaborative platform, also known as a board portal, which stores and manages board documents, and addresses board issues having to do with compliance and transparent governance.[9][10]

Jofre was recognized as one of the 10 most influential Hispanic Leaders in Canada in 2008,[11][12] and in May 2010, Jofre was recognized by the Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper for his accomplishments.[13]


See Also

Board portal, Computing, Digital history, Information Technology, Internet, Software as a Service, Software, Technology, Translation

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