Orkest van het Oosten

Orkest van het Oosten

The Orkest van het Oosten (OvhO; literal translation "Orchestra of the East", also known in English as "The Netherlands Symphony Orchestra") is a Dutch symphony orchestra. The home of the orchestra is the Muziekcentrum in Enschede. The OvhO performs about 75 concerts a year in Enschede, Hengelo, Zwolle and Deventer, as well as throughout the province of Overijssel and the Randstad. The OvhO also serves as orchestra with the Nationale Reisopera for two productions a year and various provincial choirs.

The precursor ensemble to the OvhO was the Twents Kamerorkest (Twents Chamber Orchestra), an amateur ensemble which began performing in the 1930s under the direction of Klaas de Rook. In 1947, this orchestra changed its name to the Twents Philharmonisch Orkest (Twents Philharmonic Orchestra). In 1954, the orchestra became fully professional under the name of the Overijssels Philharmonisch Orkest (Overijssels Philharmonic Orchestra), incorporating musicians from the Twents Harpsichord Ensemble and the Twents Chamber Orchestra.

In 1983, the Overijssels Philharmonic Orchestra was merged with Opera Forum. The two orchestra's were joined together as the Forum Philharmonic operating in two formations: one for accompanying the opera the other for symphonic concerts and a few times a year both together for the big productions. In 1994, the orchestra was seriously reduced and formed an independent ensemble under the name Orkest van het Oosten. At the same time, in 1994, the Nationale Reisopera was organised from Opera Forum, without an orchestra. The "Orkest van het Oosten" was obliged to do the accompaniment of two "Nationale Reisopera"productions a year.

Jaap van Zweden was chief conductor of the OvhO from 1996 to 2005. Since the 2006-2007 season, Jan Willem de Vriend has been chief conductor of the OvhO, with an initial contract of 3 years. Although there have been reports of controversy over his direction of the OvhO[1], his contract with the OvhO has been extended to 2012.[2] In 2010 the "Orkest van het Oosten" was awarded with an Edison award.

In 2009 Ed Spanjaard conducted Das Rheingold[3],[4], of Wagner’s Ring des Nibelungen with the Nationale Reisopera and Orkest van het Oosten in Enschedé where in 2010 he will be conducting Die Walküre.

Chief conductors


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