Close-Up (film) — Close Up Directed by Abbas Kiarostami Written by Abbas Kiarostami Release date(s) 1990 Running … Wikipedia
Close to Home (1989 TV series) — Close to Home Genre Sitcom Created by Brian Cooke Directed by Nic Phillips (1989) Ian Hamilton (1989–90) Alistair Clarke (credited as Alistair Clark 1990) Starring … Wikipedia
Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway — The Duke of Wellington s train and other locomotives being readied for departure from Liverpool, 15 September 1830 The opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (L M) took place on 15 September 1830 … Wikipedia
close — closable, closeable /kloh zeuh beuhl/, adj. closely /klohs lee/, adv. closeness /klohs nis/, n. v. /klohz/; adj., adv. /klohs/ or, for 56, /klohz/; n. /klohz/ for 66, 67, 70 72, 74, 75, /klohs/ for 68, 69, 73, v., closed … Universalium
Day trading — This article is about the practice. For the occupation, see Day trader. Day trading refers to the practice of buying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day such that all positions are usually closed before the market close… … Wikipedia
close — close1 [kləʊs] adjective 1》 only a short distance away or apart in space or time. ↘dense: close print. ↘(close to) very near to (being or doing something). 2》 denoting someone who is part of a person s immediate family, typically a parent … English new terms dictionary
close — vb 1 Close, shut are very close synonyms in the sense of to stop or fill in an opening by means of a closure (as a door, a gate, a lid, or a cover) and are often used interchangeably. However, they may have distinctive nuances of meaning and… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
close — close1 [klōs] adj. closer, closest [ME clos < OFr < L clausus, pp. of claudere (see CLOSE2); senses under II from notion “with spaces or intervals closed up”] I denoting the fact or state of being closed or confined 1. shut; not open 2.… … English World dictionary
Opening Notes — Opening Notes, or the Opening Notes Project, is a cultural initiative begun in Wellington, New Zealand. It involves the annual compilation of local music, photography, and literary contributions in the production of a music CD and booklet. This… … Wikipedia
close — [adj1] near, nearby abutting, across the street, adjacent, adjoining, approaching, around the corner, at hand, contiguous, convenient, give or take a little*, handy, hard by, immediate, imminent, impending, in spitting distance*, in the ball… … New thesaurus