HP Operations Manager

HP Operations Manager

HP Operations Manager (formerly OpenView Operations - OVO) is a product of Hewlett-Packard (HP). It is built upon the foundation of their Network Node Manager (NNM) product. Whereas NNM tends to be network-monitoring focused, gathering most of its data via SNMP traps from devices or hosts, OVO (OM) tends to be a host and/or application focused monitoring product. HP Operations Agents support the following platforms:

Instead of just passively accepting SNMP traps from devices, OVO has an active software component, known as an agent, that is installed on the various hosts monitored. These agents can then be used to provide support for monitoring and automation type activities, Openview Operations can also correlate alarms with an out-of-the box correlations and includes several Composer correlations as part of the OSSPI (OS Smart Plug In). The agents all report to a centralized server, commonly called a Management Server.

OVO monitoring can be done in several forms. It has the capabilities to monitor log files, run scheduled actions at pre-determined times and take actions based upon success or failure, customized watches for processes looking for too many or too few copies of a process running, or even SNMP traps. A superset of regular expression pattern matching is available, allowing for the setting of variables within the pattern as well.

All events are generally associated with an OVO Message, which is sent to the management server. End users, called Operators, can then log into OVO, either via a Motif GUI on UNIX hosts, or a Java based GUI for UNIX or Microsoft Windows hosts. Specific users can have specific roles assigned to them, allowing for the filtering of alarms that are relevant for the person's role within the organization. A connection to various trouble-ticket systems such as Remedy ARS, OpenView Service Desk or OpenView Service Center is supported as well.

Any alert created can also have an action associated with them. These actions generally come in two forms, Automatic or Operator Initiated. Automatic actions will execute any time an alert happens. An Operator Initiated action requires the Operator to specifically start the action.

In 2007, due to global rebranding following the Mercury Interactive acquisition, the brand Openview is dropped and the product is now called HP Operations.


HP Operations Manager (OM) — monitor systems and applications using agents

  • for MS Windows - 8.10 (OMW) (formerly VantagePoint Operations for Windows, Openview Operations for Windows)
  • for Unix - 8.35 (OMU) (formerly VantagePoint Operations for Unix - VPO, IT Operations - ITO, Openview Operations for Unix - OVOU)

See also

  • HP Openview Reporter


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