Omar Harfouch

Omar Harfouch
Omar Harfouch (second from left) and Richard Branson.

Omar Harfouch is a businessman born 20 in Tripoli in Lebanon [1] and with dual Lebanese and French [2] . Owner of a communications group in Ukraine, it is known in France for its participation in the reality show I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of here!, For her many appearances at parties and jet set in the press people [3] and its reputation, often referred to sulfur in the press [4]  · [5]  · [3] .


Careers in Ukraine

Omar Harfouch is of Lebanese origin. In Kiev, he owns with his brother Walid, the Supernova media group which holds between the other first in Ukraine creates FM radio Supernova [3] and is publisher and editor of the magazine in Russian Paparazzi [6] .

He made ​​his fortune in Ukraine at the age of 28 years (to 1997) [7].

It is also a Ukrainian composer, il est l'auteur des chansons Lune, Love, Ou est-tu ?, Love Gone[citation needed] .

He organized the Elite Model Look contest in Ukraine from 1997 to 2000.

Declaring that "the world of fashion needed a revolution," he founded with his brother Walid, a company based in Geneva and in Ukraine in charge of organizing beauty contests in which the jury is composed of user s can vote directly on the Internet [8] . In 2002, he organized the final of Miss World Net in Tripoli, accompanied by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, despite the international embargo that was imposed on the country at that time [9] . The company ultimately go bankrupt.

Career in France

He became known to the general public in France taking part in April 2006, the reality show I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of here! the benefit of Reporters Without Borders. During the program, it is the center of a controversy when he says he was victim of "about racist" (it's black skin) from Marielle Goitschel which in turn does not claim to have treated "only minus" [10] . The French media are interested then him, and he is the subject of several shows like Capital that updates his personality and Zone prohibited on M6. He participated in talk shows, whether at Marc-Olivier Fogiel, with Jean-Marc Morandini, or at Laurent Ruquier.

Soon after, with Endemol, he organized the Miss Europe, initially presented on TF1, but that the chain had decided to sell [11] .

In May 2006, after participating in the radio broadcast of Cauet Cauet tear on Fun Radio, he filed a complaint against him for defamation and racial abuse for statements uttered during the show and taken by the magazine interview in July 2006 [12]  · [13] . A few months later, Cauet found guilty of public defamation of an individual sentenced to 500 euro fine and one euro in damages [14] . Il intente 23 procès en première instance et en cour d'appel[citation needed] including two against Genevieve de Fontenay [15] , and then the four lawsuits against the magazine Interview scandal.

In October 2006, he released a book: Mysteries and Scandals ... fortune. The same year, he released his autobiography with a deliberately provocative title Omar Harfouch: Confessions of a liar when he settles accounts with the middle of the French "people".


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