Three Nephites

Three Nephites

The Three Nephites are three Nephite disciples of Jesus described in the Book of Mormon who were blessed by Jesus to "never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven." [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=7] As related in Third Nephi chapter 28, this change occurred when they were caught up in to heaven. [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=13] [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=37] Since they will never "taste death", Mormon (editing the chapter) contemplates if they are immortal already. [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=17] After Mormon prays for wisdom, Jesus tells him that there would be another change made at his coming so that they may become immortal. [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=40]

These three disciples desired this immortality so that they could "bring the souls of men unto Jesus, while the world shall stand". [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=9] The account relates that they "did minister unto all the people, uniting as many to the church as would believe in their preaching; baptizing them, and as many as were baptized did receive the Holy Ghost." [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=18] They also suffered severe persecution from those who did not believe.

Mormon, who lived about four hundred years after the three Nephites were blessed by Jesus, wrote, "I have seen them, and they have ministered unto me." [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=26] Mormon also wrote that they will be among the Jews and the Gentiles, and the Jews and Gentiles "shall know them not." " [And] when the Lord seeth fit in his wisdom that they shall minister unto all the scattered tribes of Israel, and unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, and shall bring out of them unto Jesus many souls." [sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28|verse=29]

Stories about modern encounters with one or more of the Three Nephites are common in Mormon folklore. In the film "Baptists At Our Barbecue", the Three Nephites are portrayed as three mechanics in spotless, white coveralls in two scenes (one scene is only noticeable after listening to the DVD commentary) of the LDS-themed movie. In the film "The Singles 2nd Ward", the Three Nephites are portrayed near the end of the film as three men in off-white coveralls tending to a tree.

ee also

*Translation (LDS Church)


Further reading

*Book of Mormon, sourcetext|source=Book of Mormon|book=3 Nephi|chapter=28, account of the Three Nephites.
* [ The Three Nephites] , a collection of accounts of encounters with the Three Nephites.
*Lee, Hector (1949). "The Three Nephites: The Substance and Significance of the Legend in Folklore". Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press. ISBN 978-0405101052
*Dana, Bruce E. (2003). "The Three Nephites and Other Translated Beings". Springville, Utah: Bonneville Books. ISBN 978-1555176877
*Beardall, Douglas (1992). "About the Three Nephites". Westlake Village, California: L D S Publications. ISBN 978-1882371259

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