O'Brien & Gere

O'Brien & Gere
O'Brien & Gere
Type Employee Owned Corporation
Industry Engineering, construction, operations, and fabrication
Founded Syracuse, New York (1945)
(as Earl F. O'Brien, William S. Gere, and Glenn D. Holmes)
Headquarters Syracuse, New York, United States
Key people Jim Fox, Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board; R. Leland Davis, President and Chief Operating Officer; Joseph M. McNulty, Chief Financial Officer
Revenue increase
Operating income increase
Employees >850 (2008)[1]
Website www.obg.com

O'Brien & Gere is a national (United States of America) provider of engineering, construction, and operational services for: industrial, municipal, Federal, food and beverage, higher education, and life sciences clients.[2] This company is entirely employee owned[1] and private. They employ 850 employees within all of their offices.[3] It is headquartered in Syracuse, New York, but has regional offices in 28 other cities throughout the USA.


O'Brien & Gere was founded in 1945 under the partnership of Earl F. O'Brien, William S. Gere, and Glenn D. Holmes.[4] The company was established in central Upstate New York[5] and its headquarters remains there still today. 65 years later, O’Brien & Gere has evolved from a simple collaboration of three engineers focused on local water and wastewater projects, to one of the oldest and largest employee-owned engineering and project delivery companies in the nation.[6]


O'Brien & Gere offers a variety of services across a multitude of client sectors;[2] Industrial & Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Municipal, Federal, Food & Beverage, and Higher Education


  1. ^ a b http://www.obg.com/corporate/about.aspx
  2. ^ a b http://www.obg.com/solutions/
  3. ^ http://www.hoovers.com/company/OBrien__Gere_Limited/ryffsyi-1.html
  4. ^ http://www.obg.com/corporate/corp_history.aspx
  5. ^ http://www.creativecoreny.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=215&Itemid=
  6. ^ http://www.allbusiness.com/human-resources/employee-development-leadership/1125573-1.html

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