

A nutritarian is a person who has a preference for foods that are high in micronutrients.

The termnutritarianwas coined by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. In his book, Eat to Live, he offers this health equation, which also serves as a succinct summary of the nutritarian approach to health:

Health = Nutrients/Calories (or H= N/C for short).

In other words: the more nutrients you consume per calorie, the healthier you will be.

Nutrients in the numerator (top part of the equation) include vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Since these are found in small quantities in food, they are considered to be micronutrients. Caloric sources in the denominator include the macronutrients: fat, carbohydrate, and protein. We need to meet our caloric needs without consuming excessive calories.

A high N/C diet is also callednutrient-denseornutrient-rich.”

In the Standard American Diet (SAD), less than 5% of the total caloric intake comes from nutrient-rich foods.

Nutritarians eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, onions, mushrooms, beans, and berries, and particularly consume leafy greens, which are the most nutrient-dense foods. A nutritarian strives to consume at least 90% of their diet from these foods.

A nutritarian diet will lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and even such conditions as Parkinsons and Alzheimers.

Nutritarians do not necessarily exclude animal products. Many nutritarians do choose to be vegan (excluding all animal products). Many vegetarians, however, are not nutritarian, if they frequently consume products containing processed grains, oils, sugars, or salt.

It takes a bit of education to become a nutritarian. One must learn the relative nutrient density of various foods. For instance, many people are surprised to learn that bok choy has more calcium per calorie than whole milk, and even than2% fatmilk. The same is true for many other leaf greens.

Nutritarian Milestones

The first nutritarian restaurant opened in Aspen, Colorado in 2011.

The first Nutritarian Food Festival was held in August, 2011, also in Aspen. Winning recipes included Chef Miles Angelos Yoga Roll with swiss chard and apple sesame dressing, Chef John Littles Freekoto Cannelloni, and Chef Randy PlaceresYerba Matte with veggies, berries, ginger and nuts.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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