Núria Añó

Núria Añó
Núria Añó
Born February 10, 1973 (1973-02-10) (age 38)
Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
Occupation writer, novelist
Language Catalan
Nationality Spanish
Genres social criticism


Núria Añó (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈnuɾia aˈɲo]) (born 1973, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain) is a Catalan writer and novelist. She lived in Mollerussa until she was nineteen. She studied Catalan Philology and German Language and today resides in Lleida where she works as both a writer and a translator.

Añó started writing tales at a young age and published her first story in 1990. After that some of her short stories have been published in anthology books. In 1996 she was awarded the 18th City of Almenara Joan Fuster Prize for Fiction. One of her short stories 2066. Comença l'etapa de correcció (2066. Beginning the age of correction")[1] was translated in 2006 into Spanish, French, English, German, Italian and Polish.

Her first novel Els nens de l'Elisa was third among the finalists for the 24th Ramon Llull Prize[2] for Catalan literature, the most relevant literary award in Catalan language. L'escriptora morta has been published in 2008. Núvols baixos is her most recent novel.



Añó's writing style is very ambitious and risky, it focuses on the psychology of her characters, generally antiheroes avoiding Manichaeism.[3] "The characters are the most important" in her books, "much more than the topic",[4] due to "an introspection, a reflection, not sentimental, but feminine".[5] Although her novels cover a multitude of topics, treat actual and socially relevant problems and frequently, the core of her stories remains unexplained. Añó asks the reader to discover the "deeper meaning"[6] and to become involved in the events presented.


Short stories

  • Lluvia de primavera, La República Literaria 1991.
  • Dones i Literatura a Lleida Ajuntament de Lleida, 1997 (collective book).
  • VIII Concurs de Narrativa Mercè Rodoreda, Ràdio Molins de Rei, 1997 (collective book).
  • Estrenes, Universitat de Lleida, 2005 (collective book).
  • 2066. Comença l'etapa de correcció, Cafebabel, Paris, 2006.


See also

Penó de la Conquesta.svg Catalan-speaking Countries portal


  1. ^ 2066. Beginning the age of correction". Cafebabel, June 19, 2006. (English)
  2. ^ "Deu obres passen a la recta final del Premi Ramon Llull". Vilaweb, January 28, 2004.
  3. ^ "Not, A.: Critic review of the book Els nens de l'Elisa, in: Ateneu, La Mañana, September 24, 2006, page 63.
  4. ^ "Sáez, A.: Interview with the author, in: Segre, September 12, 2006.
  5. ^ "Santa, A.: About the book Núvols baixos, in the Public Library of Lleida: Segre", June 20, 2010.
  6. ^ "La leridana Núria Añó narra la historia de una actriz en la madurez de su profesión". La Mañana, June 28, 2009.

External links

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