Agrippa (disambiguation)

Agrippa (disambiguation)

Agrippa may refer to:


Classical era

*Agrippa (Alba Longa), a semi-mythological king of Alba Longa
*Menenius Agrippa, a Roman consul in 503 BC.
*Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (6312 BC) was a Roman statesman and general, friend of Caesar Augustus.
*Three sons of the above:
**Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa (20 BCAD 4; also known Gaius Julius Caesar).
**Lucius Vipsanius Agrippa (17 BCAD 2, also known as Lucius Julius Caesar).
**Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Postumus (12 BCAD 14).
*Gaius Fonteius Agrippa, a father and son with the same name; the former an accuser of Libo, the latter suffect consul in 58 AD
*Decimus Haterius Agrippa, consul in 22 AD
*Marcus Asinius Agrippa, consul in 25 AD
*Vibulenus Agrippa, committed suicide in the Roman senate in 36 AD
*Two kings of the Roman client kingdom Judea:
**Agrippa I, (10 BCAD 44) grandson of Herod the Great
**Agrippa II, (AD 27100), son of Agrippa I
*Agrippa (astronomer), a Greek astronomer from the late 1st century
*Agrippa the Sceptic, a Sceptic philosopher at the end of the 1st century
*Agrippa Castor, a Christian Roman writer of the 2nd century
*Marcius Agrippa, a slave of the 3rd century who was eventually elevated to senatorial rank by Macrinus

Modern era

*Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, an occult magician (1486–1535)
*Camillo Agrippa, a sixteenth-century architect who applied geometric theory to the art of fencing.
*Agrippa d'Aubigné (15521630), French poet, soldier, propagandist and chronicler

Fictional characters

*Agrippa, a superhero from "The Tick" (Only appeared in animated series)
*Mumboz Agrippa, a fictional character from the Zork series of computer games
*Marcus Agrippa (character of Rome), a character based on the historical Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa in the BBC-HBO-RAI television series "Rome."


*Agrippa (crater), named after Agrippa (astronomer)
*Agrippa (a book of the dead), a 1992 work of art by William Gibson and others

ee also


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  • Agrippa Menenius Lanatus (consul 503 BC) — Agrippa Menenius Lanatus, sometimes called Menenius Agrippa was a consul of the Roman Republic in 503 BC, with Publius Postumius Tubertus. He conquered the Sabines and was awarded a triumph.[1][2] According to Livy, writing five hundred years… …   Wikipedia

  • Agrippa I — For other with this name, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Agrippa I also called the Great (10 BC 44 AD), King of the Jews, was the grandson of Herod the Great, and son of Aristobulus IV and Berenice.Citation | last = Mason | first = Charles Peter | …   Wikipedia

  • Agrippa II — For other with this name, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Agrippa II (b. AD 27/28), son of Agrippa I, and like him originally named Marcus Julius Agrippa, was the seventh and last king of the family of Herod the Great, thus last of the Herodians.… …   Wikipedia

  • Agrippa Castor — For other with this surname, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Agrippa Castor has been identified as the earliest recorded writer against heresy, and apparently the only one who composed a book solely devoted to the refutation of Basilides . Little… …   Wikipedia

  • Agrippa the Sceptic — For other uses of this name, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Agrippa ( el. Ἀγρίππας) was a Sceptic philosopher who probably lived towards the end of the 1st century AD.Citation | last = Jowett | first = Benjamin | author link = Benjamin Jowett |… …   Wikipedia

  • Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa — This article is about the Roman statesman and general. For the personal name, see Agrippa (praenomen). For a list of individuals with this name, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa …   Wikipedia

  • Gaius Fonteius Agrippa — For other with this surname, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Gaius Fonteius Agrippa was the name of two related people in Roman history: *Gaius Fonteius Agrippa was one of the four accusers of Marcus Scribonius Libo in 16 AD. [The other accusers… …   Wikipedia

  • Decimus Haterius Agrippa — For other with this surname, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Decimus or Didius Haterius Agrippa was the son of orator and senator Quintus Haterius.[1] He was tribune of the plebs in 15 and vetoed proposals; was praetor in 17, consul in 22, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Marcius Agrippa — For others with this name, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Marcius Agrippa (fl. late 2nd/early 3rd century) was originally a slave serving as a beautician. He later became a freedman in some unknown way and then (illegally) started to encroach upon …   Wikipedia

  • Vibulenus Agrippa — For others with this surname, see Agrippa (disambiguation). Vibulenus Agrippa was a Roman knight of the Equestrian rank who was accused of some crime, probably treason, before the senate in the final years of the reign of Tiberius, in 36… …   Wikipedia

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