Norwegian Society

Norwegian Society

The Norwegian Society (Norske Selskab) was a literary society for Norwegian students in Copenhagen. Its members included authors, poets and philosophers. The Norwegian Society was formed in 1772 by Ove Gjerløw Meyer. Their meeting place was Madame Juel's Coffeehouse (madame Juels Kaffehus) in the Læderstræde.[1]

It was a gentlemen's club, with the exception of the waitress Karen Bach, and the meetings were lively with speakers, song and discussion, poetry recitation improvisations and relatively significant intakes of punch. The club considered itself culturally conservative and devoted to the rationalistic empirical style of Ludvig Holberg.[2]

The members of the Norwegian Society are often viewed as playing a central role in the wakening of Norwegian patriotic awareness at the close of the 18th century. Many of the poems and plays had patriotic themes. The society was discontinued in 1813 after the battle was won to establish the first Norwegian university, but a new gentlemen's club with the same name started in 1818.[3]

Central members

Painted by Eilif Peterssen in 1892: An evening at the Norwegian Society (En aften i Det norske Selskab). The man with the raised glass in the foreground is Johan Herman Wessel; the man with the red jacket is Johan Nordahl Brun. Behind Wessel is the hostess, Madam Juehl.


  1. ^ "Norske Selskab (NBL-artikkel)" (in Norwegian). Store norske leksikon. Oslo: Kunnskapsforlaget. 2009. Retrieved 7 August2009. 
  2. ^ Øye, Solveig (2000-01-01). "Norske Selskab var ikke norsk-nasjonalt" (in Norwegian). University of Oslo. Retrieved 10 August 2009. 
  3. ^ Norske Selskab history

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