Ideal norm

Ideal norm

In commutative algebra, the norm of an ideal is a generalization of a norm of an element in the field extension. It is particularly important in number theory since it measures the size of an ideal of a complicated number ring in terms of an ideal in a less complicated ring. When the less complicated number ring is taken to be the ring of integers, Z, then the norm of a nonzero ideal I of a number ring R is simply the size of the finite quotient ring R/I.


Relative norm

Let A be a Dedekind domain with the field of fractions K and B be the integral closure of A in a finite separable extension L of K. (In particular, B is Dedekind then.) Let \operatorname{Id}(A) and \operatorname{Id}(B) be the ideal groups of A and B, respectively (i.e., the sets of fractional ideals.) Following (Serre 1979), the norm map

N_{B/A}: \operatorname{Id}(B) \to \operatorname{Id}(A)

is a homomorphism given by

N_{B/A}(\mathfrak q) = \mathfrak{p}^{[B/\mathfrak q : A/\mathfrak p]}, \mathfrak q \in \operatorname{Spec} B, \mathfrak q | \mathfrak p.

If L,K are local fields, N_{B/A}(\mathfrak{b}) is defined to be a fractional ideal generated by the set \{ N_{L/K}(x) | x \in \mathfrak{b} \}. This definition is equivalent to the above and is given in (Iwasawa 1986).

For \mathfrak a \in \operatorname{Id}(A), one has N_{B/A}(\mathfrak a B) = \mathfrak a^n where n = [L:K]. The definition is also compatible with norm of an element: NB / A(xB) = NL / K(x)A.[1]

Let L / K be a finite Galois extension of number fields with rings of integers O_K\subset O_L. Then the preceding applies with A = \mathcal{O}_K, B = \mathcal{O}_L and one has

N_{L/K}(I)=O_K \cap\prod_{\sigma \in G}^{} \sigma (I)\,

which is an ideal of OK. The norm of a principal ideal generated by α is the ideal generated by the field norm of α.

The norm map is defined from the set of ideals of OL to the set of ideals of OK. It is reasonable to use integers as the range for N_{L/\mathbb{Q}}\, since Z has trivial ideal class group. This idea does not work in general since the class group may not be trivial.

Absolute norm

Let L be a number field with ring of integers OL, and α a nonzero ideal of OL. Then the norm of α is defined to be

N(\alpha) =\left [ O_L: \alpha\right ]=|O_L/\alpha|.\,

By convention, the norm of the zero ideal is taken to be zero.

If α is a principal ideal with α = (a), then N(α) = | N(a) | .

The norm is also completely multiplicative in that if α and β are ideals of OL, then N(α * β) = N(α)N(β).

The norm of an ideal α can be used to bound the norm of some nonzero element x\in \alpha by the inequality

|N(x)|\leq \left ( \frac{2}{\pi}\right ) ^ {r_2} \sqrt{|\Delta_L|}N(\alpha)

where ΔL is the discriminant of L and r2 is the number of pairs of complex embeddings of L into \mathbb{C}.

See also


  1. ^ Serre, 1. 5, Proposition 14.

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