Different ideal

Different ideal

In algebraic number theory, the different ideal (sometimes simply the different) is defined to account for the (possible) lack of duality in the ring of integers of an algebraic number field K, with respect to the field trace. It was introduced by Richard Dedekind in 1882.[1][2]

If OK is the ring of integers of K, and tr denotes the field trace from K to the rational number field Q, then


is an integral quadratic form on OK. Its discriminant as quadratic form need not be +1 (in fact this happens only for the case K = Q). Defining a fractional ideal I of K as the set of xK such that tr(xy) is an integer for all y in OK, then I contains OK. By definition, the different ideal δK is I−1, an ideal of OK.

The ideal norm of δK is the ideal of Z generated by the discriminant DK of K.

The different is also defined for an extension of local fields. It plays a basic role in Pontryagin duality for p-adic fields.


Relative different

The relative different δL/K is defined in a similar manner for an extension of number fields L/K. The relative norm of the relative different is then equal to the relative discriminant ΔL/K. In a tower of fields L/K/F the relative differents are related by δL/F = δL/K δK/F.

The relative different equals the annihilator of the relative differential module \Omega^1_{O_L/O_K}.


The relative different encodes the ramification data of the field extension L/K. A prime ideal p of K ramifies in L if and only if it divides the relative discriminant ΔL/K. If

p = P1e(1) ... Pke(k)

is the factorisation of p into prime ideals of L then Pi divides the relative different δL/K if and only if Pi is ramified, that is, if and only if the ramification index e(i) is greater than 1. The precise exponent to which a ramified prime P divides δ is termed the differential exponent of P and is equal to e-1 if P is tamely ramified: that is, when P does not divide e. In the case when P is wildly ramified the differential exponent lies in the range e to eP(e)-1 and can be computed from the orders of the higher ramification groups for Galois extensions:


Local computation

The different may be defined for an extension of local fields L/K. In this case we may take the extension to be simple, generated by a primitive element α which also generates a power integral basis. If f is the minimal polynomial for α then the different is generated by f'(α).



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