nonsense word — noun A deliberately meaningless word • • • Main Entry: ↑nonsense * * * ˈnonsense word 7 [nonsense word] noun a word with no meaning … Useful english dictionary
Nonsense verse — is a form of light, often rhythmical verse, usually for children, depicting peculiar characters in amusing and fantastical situations. It is whimsical and humorous in tone and tends to employ fanciful phrases and meaningless made up words.[1]… … Wikipedia
Nonsense — For other uses, see Nonsense (disambiguation). For Wikipedia policy regarding nonsense, see Wikipedia:Patent nonsense. Nonsense is a communication, via speech, writing, or any other symbolic system, that lacks any coherent meaning. Sometimes in… … Wikipedia
Nonsense syllable — In cognitive psychology, a nonsense syllable is a word like string of letters that is not intended to have any established meaning; it is a special case of a non lexical vocable. Nonsense syllables have been extensively used in experimental… … Wikipedia
nonsense — I. noun Date: 1614 1. a. words or language having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas b. (1) language, conduct, or an idea that is absurd or contrary to good sense (2) an instance of absurd action 2. a. things of no importance or value… … New Collegiate Dictionary
nonsense — fiddledeedee fid dle*dee*dee , interj. An exclamatory word or phrase, equivalent to {nonsense}! [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Literary nonsense — (or nonsense literature) is a broad categorization of literature that uses sensical and nonsensical elements to defy language conventions or logical reasoning. Even though the most well known form of literary nonsense is nonsense verse, the genre … Wikipedia
Inherently funny word — The belief that certain words are inherently funny, for reasons ranging from onomatopoeia to phonosemantics to sexual innuendo, is widespread among people who work in humor.Fact|date=September 2008 Cultural variation The concept of inherent humor … Wikipedia
Nonce word — For other uses of the word, see Nonce. A nonce word is a word used only for the nonce to meet a need that is not expected to recur. Quark, for example, was formerly a nonce word in English, appearing only in James Joyce s Finnegans Wake. Murray… … Wikipedia
Magic word — Not to be confused with magical formula. For the use of magic words on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Magic words. The Sator Square Magic words are words which have a specific, and sometimes unintended, effect. They are often nonsense phrases used in … Wikipedia