

Niranthodu a Small village Junction Area are in Mayyil Panchayath, Kannur, Kerala 20 km from kannur town, semi-Hill area.2% only Govt. Employees, 20% Farmers, 70 % Men working for daily wage. 4% Men working abroad (mainly Persian Gulf area). (69% Hindus,31% Muslims,0% others) Party CPI (58%), Congress (39%),BJP(3%) No-Govt.Offices ,No Education Sources (except one LP School), No Medical Shop, No Hospital, No Doctors, No Lowers, No industries YES - One Toddy Shop, few grocery shops,Saloon,small hotel,One Library(Started by Congress in 1970) cum CPM Party office, Mayyil co-op Bank Branch. Life standard = Below Avg., and Politics party (CPM) deeply rooted

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