Nicasio Jiménez

Nicasio Jiménez

Nicasio Jiménez (b. 12 March 1849,[1] d. 1891) was a Cuban violin-cellist. He was the son of violinist Jose Julian Jiménez and brother of pianist and composer Lico Jiménez. His sisters Inés and Arcadia Jiménez were singers.[2]


Nicasio Gregorio Jiménez was born in Trinidad, Cuba, Las Villas province. Jiménez studied music as a child with his father and traveled to Germany with his father and brother in 1867[3] to study music at the Leipzig Conservatory. He became noted as a cellist and took a position as Professor of Violincello at the Conservatory of Tours.[4]

With his father and brother, Nicasio formed one of the first all black ensembles, billed as "Das Negertrio",[5] and successfully toured in Europe, the Americas and in Cuba as a soloist and with the ensemble, playing mostly 19th-century Romantic compositions.[6]


  1. ^ "March". Retrieved 27 January 2011. 
  2. ^ Sanjurjo, Elena Pérez (1986). Historia de la música cubana. 
  3. ^ "José Manuel Berroa". Retrieved 27 January 2011. 
  4. ^ Ramírez, Serafín. La Habana artística: Apuntes históricos. 
  5. ^ Hamilton, Ruth Simms (2007). Routes of passage: rethinking the African diaspora: Volume 1, Part 1. 
  6. ^ Wright, Josephine (1981). Das Negertrio Jimenez in Europe. The Black Perspective in Music, Foundation for Research in the Afro-American Creative Arts. JSTOR 1214195. 

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