New Caledonian legislative election, 2009

New Caledonian legislative election, 2009
New Caledonia

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New Caledonia

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Parliamentary elections were held in New Caledonia on 10 May 2009.[1][2][3] Voters in New Caledonia chose 76 candidates for the French territory's three provincial assemblies.[4] Fifty-four of these 76 members were also to become members of the Congress of New Caledonia.[4] Members of the Congress of New Caledonia serve 5-year terms in office upon their election.[4]

The Labour Party, which had been founded in 2007 as the political arm of the pro-independence Union of Kanaky Workers and the Exploited (Union syndicale des travailleurs kanaks et des exploités, USTKE), contested the elections for the first time and hoped to gain 12,000 votes and a seat. Due to splits in the two main parties of the anti-independence front, the Rally for Caledonia in the Republic and Future Together (from which Caledonia Together split off in October 2008), the main pro-independence party, Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front, hoped to become the largest party in these elections.[5]


Election issues

The new territorial Congress will have to decide how to implement the autonomy provisions of the Noumea Accord of 1998.[4] Apart from the island's political future, the economy and New Caledonia's high cost of living were the main issue in the election campaign.[4][6]


e • d Summary of the 10 May 2009 Territorial Congress of New Caledonia election results
Parties Votes % Seats
The RallyUMP (Le RassemblementUMP) 19,888 20.60% 13
Caledonia Together (Calédonie Ensemble) 16,253 16.83% 10
Future TogetherThe Movement for Diversity (Avenir EnsembleLe Mouvement de la diversité) 11,308 11.71% 6
  • 5
  • 1
Rally for Caledonia (Rassemblement pour la Calédonie) 4,304 4.46% 2
National Front (Front National) 2,591 2.68% 0
Other anti-independence lists 1,125 1.17% 0
Total Anti-independence 55,469 57.45% 31
Caledonian Union (Union Calédonienne) 11,247 11.65% 8
National Union for IndependenceKanak Social National Liberation Front (Union Nationale pour l'IndépendanceFront de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste) 10,162 10.52% 8
  • 7
  • 1
Labour Party (Parti Travailliste) 7,692 7.97% 3
Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front unitary (Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste) 5,342 5.53% 3
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
Socialist Kanak Liberation (Libération kanak socialiste) 1,852 1.92% 1
Federation of Pro-Independence Co-operation Committees (Fédération des Comités de la Coopération pour l'Indépendance) 605 0.63% 0
Nationalists 36,900 38.22% 23
Civic Overture (Ouverture Citoyenne) 2,974 3.08% 0
Generation Common Destiny (Génération Destin Commun) 1,215 1.26% 0
Valid votes 96,558 98.00% 54
Invalid votes 1,962 2.00%
Total votes (turnout 72.48%) 98,520


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