- Second Van Agt cabinet
The second Van Agt cabinet (1981-1982) was a coalition between the Christian democrats (CDA), the labour party (PvdA) and the left-wing liberals D66. Many incidents made a healthy coalition impossible. Prime minister Dries van Agt had lots of trouble with the vice-prime minister Joop den Uyl of the labour party. Den Uyl tried to create employment as minister of social affairs. Plans to reform the health insurance act was met with a huge resistance from the left-wing. The cabinet fell because the Christian democrats wanted a cut in government spending, while the labour party was much opposed to this.
- Prime Minister, General Affairs, Dries van Agt (CDA)
- Vice Prime Minister, Social Affairs and Employment, Dutch Caribbean Affairs, Joop den Uyl (PvdA)
- Vice Prime Minister, Economy, Jan Terlouw (D66)
- Foreign Affairs, Max van der Stoel (PvdA)
- Justice, Job de Ruiter (CDA)
- Interior Affairs, Ed van Thijn (PvdA)
- Education and Sciences, Jos van Kemenade (PvdA)
- Finance, Fons van der Stee (CDA)
- Defence, Hans van Mierlo (D66)
- Housing and Spatial Planning, Marcel van Dam (PvdA)
- Transport and Water, Henk Zeevalking (D66)
- Agriculture and Fishery, Jan de Koning (CDA)
- Culture, Recreation and Social Work, André van der Louw (PvdA)
- Public Health and Environment Hygiene, Til Gardeniers-Berendsen (CDA)
- Development Cooperation, Kees van Dijk (CDA)
- Foreign Affairs, Hans van den Broek (CDA)
- Interior Affairs
- Saskia Stuiveling (PvdA) (financial and economical topics, lower public bodies, large cities and municipal restructuring)
- Gerard van Leijenhorst (CDA)
- Justice, Michiel Scheltema (D66)
- Education and Sciences
- Wim Deetman (CDA)
- Ad Hermes (CDA)
- Finance, Hans Kombrink (PvdA)
- Defence
- Bram Stemerdink (PvdA)
- Jan van Houwelingen (CDA), September 14, 1981
- Housing and Spatial Planning, Siepie de Jong (PvdA)
- Transport and Water, Jaap van der Doef (PvdA)
- Economy
- Wim Dik (D66) (foreign trade)
- Piet van Zeil (CDA) (small and middle sized companies)
- Social Affairs and Employment
- Hedy d'Ancona (PvdA)
- Ien Dales (PvdA)
- Culture, Recreation and Social Work, Hans de Boer (CDA)
- Public Health and Environment Hygiene, Ineke Lambers-Hacquebard (D66)
Structure and process StructureGovernmentMinisters, including Ministers without Portfolio, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Netherlands and one or more Deputy Prime Minister of the NetherlandsMinisters, including Ministers without Portfolio and State SecretariesProcessCurrent ministries Cabinets Schimmelpenninck • De Kempenaer-Donker Curtius • Thorbecke I • Van Hall-Donker Curtius • Van der Brugghen • Rochussen • Van Hall-Van Heemstra • Van Zuylen van Nijevelt-Van Heemstra •Thorbecke II • Fransen van de Putte •Van Zuylen van Nijevelt • Van Bosse-Fock • Thorbecke III • De Vries-Fransen van de Putte • Heemskerk-Van Lynden van Sandenburg • Kappeyne van de Coppello • Van Lynden van Sandenburg • Heemskerk Azn. • Mackay • Van Tienhoven • Röell • Pierson • Kuyper • De Meester • Heemskerk • Cort van der Linden • Ruijs de Beerenbrouck I • Ruijs de Beerenbrouck II • Colijn I • De Geer I • Ruijs de Beerenbrouck III • Colijn II • Colijn III • Colijn IV • Colijn V • De Geer II • Gerbrandy I • Gerbrandy II • Gerbrandy III • Schermerhorn-Drees • Beel I • Drees-Van Schaik • Drees I • Drees II • Drees III • Beel II • De Quay • Marijnen • Cals • Zijlstra • De Jong • Biesheuvel I • Biesheuvel II • Den Uyl • Van Agt I • Van Agt II • Van Agt III • Lubbers I • Lubbers II • Lubbers III • Kok I • Kok II • Balkenende I • Balkenende II • Balkenende III • Balkenende IV • RutteCategories:- Cabinets of the Netherlands
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