- Net buyer
A person who buys more than sells and therefore is in a net long financial position.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
A person who buys more than sells and therefore is in a net long financial position.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Net 30 — is a form of trade credit which specifies that the net amount (the total outstanding on the invoice) is expected to be payment received in full 30 days after the goods are dispatched by the seller, or 30 days after the service is completed. Net… … Wikipedia
Buyer brokerage — (or Buyer agency as it is also known) is the practice of real estate brokers (and their agents) representing a buyer in a real estate transaction rather than, by default, representing the seller either directly or as a sub agent. In the United… … Wikipedia
Net.art — has two definitions:net.art is a group of artists who worked in internet art from 1994. The members are usually referenced as Vuk Ćosić, Jodi.org, Alexei Shulgin, Olia Lialina, Heath Bunting. This group was united as a parody of avantgarde… … Wikipedia
net.art — refers to a group of artists who worked in the medium of Internet art from 1994. The main members of this movement are Vuk Ćosić, Jodi.org, Alexei Shulgin, Olia Lialina, and Heath Bunting (irational.org, Heath Bunting, Rachel Baker, Minerva… … Wikipedia
net margin — margin, gross margin, net margin, security margin, variation margin (1) An amount of cash or collateral that a buyer or borrower must provide in excess of value owed to that buyer or borrower by a seller, lender or depositor. Ensures performance… … Financial and business terms
Net capital rule — The uniform net capital rule is a rule created by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) in 1975 to regulate directly the ability of broker dealers to meet their financial obligations to customers and other creditors.[1] Broker… … Wikipedia
Buyer's option — Option Op tion, n. [L. optio; akin to optare to choose, wish, optimus best, and perh. to E. apt: cf. F. option.] 1. The power of choosing; the right of choice or election; an alternative. [1913 Webster] There is an option left to the United… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
net sales transaction — Refers to over the counter trading. securities deal in which the quoted prices include commissions ( i.e., OTC); looked at another way, the buyer and seller do not pay fees or commissions in addition to the print or quotation prices. Bloomberg… … Financial and business terms
net price — The price a buyer pays for goods or services after all discounts have been deducted … Big dictionary of business and management
Debt buyer — A debt buyer is a company, sometimes a collection agency or a private debt collection law firm, that purchases delinquent or charged off debts from a creditor for a fraction of the face value of the debt. The debt buyer can then collect on its… … Wikipedia