- Neon City Magazine
Neon City Magazine Editor Dominick Trupiano Categories Las Vegas Lifestyle Frequency Monthly 2010 Publisher Neon City Total circulation
(2008-Present)60,000 First issue November 2008 Country United States
Language English Website neoncitymagazine.com Neon City Magazine is a Las Vegas based magazine that profiles entertainment, fashion, nightlife and anything else relating to the Las Vegas Lifestyle.
The magazine was founded by Michael J Giglia and Matthew J. Pawlak.[1]
Neon Nights
Neon Nights is the Official blog of Neon City Magazine. The blog is written by Knee Onn and the focus is on the nights and the following days of Las Vegas. Topics include fashion, entertainment, behind the scenes, Nightlife, and all other lifestyle related happenings.
Green efforts
The magazine is also a very green magazine. The magazine is printed on recycled paper stock, uses only soy & vegetable based inks and natural coatings make the magazine 100% biodegradable. What takes all other magazines nearly 80 years to fully biodegrade Neon City Magazine can fully disintegrate back into the earth in 3 months in the right environment.[2]
The Magazine is printed by Concept: Full Color & Apparel Printing a Las Vegas based printing service. Concept :FC&AP is also a green printing service where the green in the logo is renewability & and the blue C is the earth.
The magazine also invites readers who visit their monthly launch parties to bring in any old magazines to the party to be recycled by Neon City, LLC.[3] The printing of the publication was done by Concept Full Color and Apparel Printing.
The Las Vegas Magazine has 3 issues out, all are viewable on the official website. The latest issue is also viewable on the Neon City blog, as well as the magazine's Myspace page.
Issue 1 contents
Table of Contents:
Loose Change | Breaking down and defining Las Vegas : The Meadows - about the name Las Vegas
Good Taste | Dine in style and comfort at Company American Bistro : - Restaurant at Luxor
Essentials | Hand made cosmetics at Mandalay Place : Lush Cosmetics and homemade soaps
Sounds| DJ Direct throwin down on the tables : Local Vegas DJ
A Loot at... | The Seven Deadly Sins in Vegas: Lust
The Rope | Chameleon Studios a private membership venue : A private club in Vegas
Life is Suite | Retro-modernism at Planet Hollywood : The suite at Planet Hollywood
Cover | Cirque du Soeleil and Criss Angel: Believe
Desert Heartbreak | Desert skies and dry eyes : Breakup pictorial
Threads | Clothing boutique a level above the rest : C-Level local boutique
Ovation | an evening with Stomp Out Loud : Profile of show before it got replaced by Peepshow
Vegas Vision | Downtown living setting the trend : Juhl downtown living
Flashback | See who is out and about : Nightlife Photos
Issue 2 contents
Table of Contents:
Threads | Ed Hardy at the Fashion Show mall
Good Taste | Creative sushi & cuisine with great views
The Rope | Rok Vegas at New York New York
Blends | Three Chocolates
Life is Suite | High in the Sky with a Maybach
Lifestyle | An exotic car club
A Look at... | The Seven Deadly Sins in Vegas: Gluttony
Ovation | 15 years at Treasure Island
Holiday Essentials | Gift Ideas for the holiday season
Vegas Vision | Beautiful structure, beautiful purpose
Rejuvenate | Old Hollywood glamour in Vegas
Set the Bar | Pomegranate Martini
Sounds | A video revolution
Flashback | See who is out and about
Issue 3 contents
Table of Contents:
Culture & Expression | Pop art from the masters
Loose Change | A look into Vegas culture
Good Taste | Brazilian dining on the strip
Life is Suite | The Absolute Suite is flavorful
Delights | Champagne flavored chocolate and more
Relationships | Fun date ideas for little money
Set the Bar | The drink for this Neon City
Good Taste | New York flavor and taste at this eatery
Essentials | Skin care for the dry Vegas heat
A Look at... | Seven Deadly Sins : Greed
Threads | Christian Audiger WIMYM fashion show
Ovation | The chandelier from Phantom
Set the Bar | Summer? Quench the heat with neon
Threads | popular 80’s brand revived
Shimmer | The sparkle of diamonds in hearts
Vegas Vision | Live the Vegas lifestyle here
Flashback | See who is out and about
Similar to 944 magazine, the publication is a free publication that is distributed across the Las Vegas Valley at boutiques, restaurants, condos, and many other similar lifestyle businesses. The first issue had a release date of November 10, 2008. Copies could be picked up in the Las Vegas valley.
Neon City Magazine on radio
Neon City Magazine was featured in an interview by Rachel Reilly on alltalkradio.net, a Las Vegas talk radio network.
Nightlife photos
Nightlife photos provided inside of the magazine is done by Nightlife Underground. The picture pages in Neon City Magazine are very bright and vibrant. The focus is on the nightlife hottest and hippest the Vegas scene has to offer. The pictures as of Issue #3 focus on the days of the week not the specific events.
Neon City Magazine has started doing video journalism along with the publication. The videos cover fashion and entertainment in Las Vegas. They have interviewed Christian Audigier, designer of Ed Hardy clothing.[4]
They have also interviewed David Garibaldi, renown performance artist, who has traveled with the Blue Man Group performing.[5]
Neon City Magazine also has video coverage of the Pool Tradeshow 2009, and Magic 2009 trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada.[6]
Being one of the only resources in Las Vegas to cover a wide away of fashion shows in Las Vegas, they have also covered events like the Roberto Cavalli Fashion Show at The Bank Nightclub.[7]
The Fashion Show events at Desert Ice Studios from Style Tube website.[8] As well as Chrisitan Audigier Fashion Shows.[9][10]
Neon City Magazine contributed to the Move On origination, based out of California, during the Election for 2008.[11]
Neon City Magazine has also helped out with a local Las Vegas charity for the Santa run and the Magical Forrest, events run by the Opportunity Village.
- ^ Masthead
- ^ www.neoncitymagazine.com/recycle
- ^ Masthead issue 1: November 2008
- ^ www.neoncitymagazine.com/24hourlifestyle
- ^ http://www.casttv.com/video/8d9tkl/garibaldi-video
- ^ http://www.youtube.com/user/NeonCityMagazine
- ^ http://www.neoncitymagazine.com/vegasnightlifebankneoncity23/index.html
- ^ http://www.styletube.de/kategorie/mode-fashion/
- ^ http://www.videowired.com/video/?id=3735362429
- ^ http://neoncitymagazine.blogspot.com/2009/09/fashion-las-vegas-fashion-show-magic.html
- ^ http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/nevada_las_vegas_89119.asp?cycle=08
External links
Categories:- Companies based in the Las Vegas metropolitan area
- American magazines
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