- Casey Sheehan
Infobox Military Person
name=Casey Sheehan
born= birth date|1979|5|29
died= death date and age|2004|4|4|1979|5|29
caption= Specialist Casey Sheehan
allegiance= United States of America
branch=United States Army
unit= 1st Cavalry Division
placeofbirth=Bellflower, California
placeofdeath=Baghdad ,Iraq
serviceyears= 2000–2004
battles= Operation Iraqi Freedom
awards= Bronze StarPurple Heart Casey Austin Sheehan (May 29 1979 –April 4 2004 ) was a Specialist in theUnited States Army who was killed by enemy action while serving in theIraq War . He is the son of Patrick Sheehan, a sales representative, andCindy Sheehan , who subsequently became a controversialanti-war protester.Early years
Sheehan joined the Cub Scouts at the age of six. At eight he became an
altar server at his church. In 1996, he attained the rank of Eagle Scout, the second awarded by his Boy Scout Troop (180). [http://www.blackfive.net/main/2005/08/army_specialist.html Army Specialist Casey Sheehan - Someone You Should (Have) Know(n)] , "Blackfive blog", ]Sheehan graduated from Vacaville High School in
Vacaville, California with honors in 1997. Three years later, he graduated fromSolano Community College with anassociate's degree inDrama . [ [http://www.pigstye.net/iraq/article.php/20040408080120836 Casey Sheehan] , "The Iraq Page " ]Military service
In May 2000, Sheehan enlisted in the
United States Army as a light-wheeled vehicle mechanic, MOS 63B. It has been reported that he may have considered enlisting as aChaplain 's assistant
MOS 56M. (Sheehan had acted as analtar server during thePalm Sunday mass on the morning of his death). [ [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A42498-2005Feb21.html For Some, a Loss in Iraq Turns Into Antiwar Activism: Gold Star Families Band Together to 'Make People Care'] , "Washington Post ",February 22 2005 ]Near the end of his active service, the U.S. invasion of
Iraq began. Sheehan re-enlisted, knowing that his unit would be sent there. [ [http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=1860 Cindy Sheehan Has an Agenda] , "American Chronicle"] Sheehan's division, the First Cavalry Division, was sent to Iraq. OnMarch 19 ,2004 , Sheehan's Battery C, 1st Battalion,82nd Field Artillery Regiment , arrived at FOB War Eagle inSadr City . OnApril 4 ,2004 , Sheehan was killed in action after volunteering to be part of aQuick Reaction Force to rescue American troops.Burial
Sheehan is buried in Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery in Vacaville, California. In May 2006, his mother finally provided a tombstone at his grave following criticism that Casey, who died in 2004, lacked one. Cindy Sheehan paid for the tombstone herself, stating "It is important for the rest of Casey's family to have one... I guess the pain of seeing it etched in marble that he is dead is another pain I will have to deal with." Cindy Sheehan maintains that the U.S. "government should have paid for it because of its responsibility for his death." The Department of Veterans Affairs does provide such monuments upon request. [ [http://www.snopes.com/politics/war/sheehangrave.asp Claim: Cindy Sheehan failed to provide a tombstone for her son's grave -- Status: true] , "Snopes" ]
Casey Sheehan was awarded the
Purple Heart and Bronze Star with V for Valor posthumously for his actionsApril 4 2004 . [http://www.blackfive.net/main/2005/08/army_specialist.html Army Specialist Casey Sheehan - Someone You Should (Have) Know(n)] , "Blackfive blog" ] The chapel atFort Hood started a newKnights of Columbus chapter that was named the Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan Council. [ [http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/081305B.shtml Mother's Vigil Recalls Quiet, Dedicated Son] , "Associated Press ",August 13 2005 ] After his death, the Casey Austin Sheehan Memorial Award was created as an annual award to honor his memory. There is a song by James Gordon titled: "Casey Sheehan Didn't Die for Nothing " on his CD "Nine Green Bottles".ee also
External links
* [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/03/20/INGIGBNC46129.DTL Casey Sheehan's last letters home and family members' thoughts about him]
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