National Finals Rodeo (Australia)

National Finals Rodeo (Australia)

National Finals Rodeo is the title of numerous rodeo events held in Australia. The largest and oldest event is run by the Australian Professional Rodeo Association, held each year in January over 4 days at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre in Broadbeach, Queensland. The APRA event was first held in 1960 the first in Australian rodeo history.


Australian Bushmen's Capmdraft & Rodeo Association

ABCRA's event is held at the Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre in Tamworth, New South Wales during the Tamworth Country Music Festival.

National Rodeo Association

NRA's event is held over three Saturdays in late November early December with events held at Ipswich, Caboolture and the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.

National Rodeo Council of Australia

NRCA's event is held in September at Ipswich, Queensland over two nights.

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