Bolivian National Congress, 1979–1980

Bolivian National Congress, 1979–1980

The Bolivian National Congress 1979–1980 was elected on 1 July, 1979.


Chamber of Deputies [1]

Deputy Alliance Party Department
Adalberto Kuajara Arandia UDP PCB Santa Cruz
Adolfo Sánchez Suárez ADN ADN Pando
Agapito Feliciano Monzón MNR-A MNR Oruro
Alberto Ruíz Pérez MNR-A MNR Tarija
Alcides Alvarado Daza UDP MNRI La Paz
Aldo Flores Alvarez UDP PCB La Paz
Alfonso Ferrufino Balderrama UDP MIR Cochabamba
Alfonso Prado Luisaga MNR-A MNR Cochabamba
Alfredo Nogales MNR-A MRTK-Chila Potosí
Ángel Gemio Ergueta MNR-A MNR Santa Cruz
Angel Vera UDP MNRI La Paz
Antonio Araníbar Quiroga UDP MIR La Paz
Armando Roncal Fernández PS-1 PS-1 Chuquisaca
Augusto Cuadros Sánchez MNR-A MNR Cochabamba
Augusto Gotrett Baldivieso ADN ADN Potosí
Carlos Arancibia Vildoso UDP MNRI Chuquisaca
Carlos Benquique Ojopi MNR-A MNR Pando
Carlos Carrasco Fernandez UDP MNRI Cochabamba
Carlos Carvajal Nava UDP PCB Chuquisaca
Casiano Amurrio Rocha MNR-A PCML Cochabamba
César Vela UDP MRTK Chuquisaca
David Añez Pedraza APIN FSB Beni
Dulfredo Rúa Bejarano UDP MIR Potosí
Edgar Ramírez UDP PCB Potosí
Edgar Tapia Reyes UDP MNRI La Paz
Emma Navajas de Alandia MNR-A PDC Tarija
Erasmo Pérez Victorias MNR-A PDC Oruro
Ernesto Dolz Guerrero MNR-A PCML Tarija
Eudoro Galindo Anze ADN ADN Cochabamba
Félix Rospigliossi Nieto UDP MNRI La Paz
Francisco Portales Gonzáles MNR-A PDC Santa Cruz
Fredy Vargas Méndez APIN UDC Cochabamba
Gaston Encinas Valverde UDP MIR Chuquisaca
Gerardo Mercado Mendoza ADN ADN Beni
Germán Condori Quispe UDP MNRI La Paz
Germán Gutiérrez Ortega MNR-A MNR Chuquisaca
Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada MNR-A MNR Cochabamba
Grover Villegas Gallo MNR-A MNR Potosí
Guido Capra Gemio UDP CERNA La Paz
Guido Rodríguez Parada MNR-A MNR Beni
Guillermo Bedregal Gutiérrez MNR-A MNR La Paz
Guillermo Capobianco Rivera UDP MIR Santa Cruz
Guillermo Ortiz Aponte ADN ADN Beni
Guillermo Richter Ascimani MNR-A PCML Beni
Gustavo Villegas Cortez MNR-A MNR Potosí
Hans Dellien Salazar MNR-A PDC Beni
Heberto Castedo Lladó ADN ADN Santa Cruz
Hernán Melgar Justiniano UDP PCB Beni
Hernán Peralta MNR-A MNR Potosí
Hugo Flores Salvador MNR-A MNR Santa Cruz
Hugo Velasco Rosales MNR-A MNR Santa Cruz
Humberto Siles Miranda ADN FSB-M Oruro
Jaime Taborga Torrico PS-1 PS-1 Cochabamba
Jaime Tapia Alípaz ADN FSB-M La Paz
Jaime Villegas Duran MNR-A MNR Potosí
Javier Campero Paz MNR-A MNR Tarija
Jesús Egüez Ruiz ADN ADN Beni
Jhonny Bernal UDP MNRI La Paz
Jorge Agreda Valderrama MNR-A PDC Cochabamba
Jorge Alderete Rosales MNR-A MNR Santa Cruz
Jorge Arteaga Flores MNR-A MNR Pando
Jorge Justiniano Balderrama MNR-A MNR Pando
José Fellman Velarde MNR-A MNR La Paz
José Luis Harb Alvárez MNR-A MNR La Paz
José María Palacios López PS-1 PS-1 La Paz
José Mario Serrate Paz APIN FSB Santa Cruz
José Ortuste Quiroga MNR-A PDC Chuquisaca
José Zegarra Cerruto APIN MARC La Paz
Juan José Salazar Terceros MNR-A MNR Santa Cruz
Julio Quiñones Flores MNR-A MNR Potosí
Julio Tumiri Apaza MITKA MITKA La Paz
Justiniano Ninavia Colque MNR-A PCML Oruro
Justo Pérez García PS-1 PS-1 Potosí
Leopoldo Fernández Ferreira ADN ADN Pando
Leopoldo López Cossío UDP MIR Tarija
Leopoldo Vaca Chuquipera UDP POR-TP Pando
Lidia Gueiler Tejada MNR-A PRIN-G La Paz
Lino Pérez Estrada ADN ADN Potosí
Luis Fernández Fagalde UDP MIR Potosí
Luis Fernando Valle Quevedo ADN ADN La Paz
Luis Sandoval Morón UDP MIN Santa Cruz
Luis Saucedo Justiniano MNR-A PDC Santa Cruz
Macabeo Chila Prieto MNR-A MRTK-Chila Oruro
Manuel Huayllas Rosales MNR-A MNR Chuquisaca
Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz PS-1 PS-1 Cochabamba
Marcos Domic Ruiz UDP PCB La Paz
Mario Aguilar Zenteno ADN FSB-M Cochabamba
Mario Amézaga Antezana PUB PUB Cochabamba
Mario Morales UDP MNRI Oruro
Mario Suárez Montero MNR-A PDC Santa Cruz
Medardo Irigoyen APIN MARC Oruro
Miguel Ramírez Navarro MNR-A MNR Chuquisaca
Miguel Torrico Baptista ADN MNR-J Cochabamba
Oscar Bonifaz Gutiérrez MNR-A PDC Potosí
Oscar García Suárez UDP MIN Cochabamba
Oscar Justiniano Mercado ADN MNR-J Santa Cruz
Oscar Lazcano Henry ADN ADN Tarija
Oscar Salas Moya UDP PCB Oruro
Oscar Vega López UDP MNRI Cochabamba
Pablo Steimbach Moreno MNR-A MNR Santa Cruz
Pedro Canaviri Limachi UDP MRTK Potosí
Pedro Paputsakis Flores MNR-A PCML Tarija
Ramiro Velasco Romero UDP MPLN La Paz
Raúl Guzmán-Moreira UDP MNRI Potosí
Raúl Pérez Alcalá MNR-A MNR Potosí
Raúl Zabalaga Mendoza MNR-A PRA Potosí
René de la Barra UDP MNRI La Paz
Reynaldo Barrón Escóbar MNR-A MNR Chuquisaca
Roberto Feryre Elías ADN ADN La Paz
Rubén Sánchez Valdivia UDP ALIN Cochabamba
Sabino Tito Atahuichi Ticona UDP PS-Atahuichi Oruro
Simón Reyes Rivera UDP PCB Potosí
Waldo Cerruto Calderón ADN ADN La Paz
Walter Martínez Iglesias UDP MNRI La Paz
Wenceslao Inarra Fernández MNR-A MNR Tarija
Willy Sandoval Morón UDP MNRI Chuquisaca
Willy Vargas Vacaflor ADN ADN Chuquisaca

Chamber of Senators [2]

Senator Alliance Party Department
Abel Ayoroa Argandoña UDP MNRI La Paz
Benjamín Miguel Harb MNR-A PDC La Paz
Ciro Villavicencio Ruiz MNR-A MNR Pando
Edil Sandoval Morón UDP MNRI Santa Cruz
Félix Vargas Lucero MNR-A PDC Oruro
Fernando Baptista Gumucio UDP MNRI Cochabamba
Genaro Frontanilla Vistas MNR-A MNR Oruro
Gualberto Claure Ortuño UDP MNRI Cochabamba
Guillermo Tineo Leygue ADN ADN Beni
Gustavo Aguirre Pérez ADN ADN Tarija
Jorge Alvarez Plata UDP MNRI La Paz
Jorge Kolle Cueto UDP PCB Chuquisaca
Jorge Selum Vaca Diez MNR-A PCML Beni
José Luis Roca García MNR-A PDC Pando
Julio Garrett Aillón MNR-A MNR Chuquisaca
Leónidas Sánchez Arana MNR-A MNR Potosí
Luis Añez Alvarez MNR-A MNR Beni
Luis Pelaez Rioja UDP MNRI Oruro
Miguel Trigo Rodríguez MNR-A MNR Santa Cruz
Óscar Zamora Medinaceli MNR-A PCML Tarija
Pánfilo Yapu UDP MIR Potosí
Pedro Maillard Porras MNR-A MNR Santa Cruz
Raúl Ruíz Gonzales MNR-A PCML Potosí
Rubén Julio Castro ADN MNR-J Pando
Víctor Quinteros Rasguido MNR-A PRA Chuquisaca
Wálter Guevara Arze MNR-A PRA Cochabamba
William Bluske Castellanos MNR-A MNR Tarija

Presidents of the National Congress [3]

President Alliance Party
Wálter Guevara Arze MNR-A PRA August 1979 August 1979
Lidia Gueiler Tejada MNR-A PRIN-G August 1979 November 1979
Wálter Guevara Arze MNR-A PRA 1980 July 1980

Presidents of the Chamber of Senators [4]

President Alliance Party
Wálter Guevara Arze MNR-A PRA August 1979 August 1979
Leónidas Sánchez Arana MNR-A MNR August 1979 1980
Wálter Guevara Arze MNR-A PRA 1980 July 1980

Presidents of the Chamber of Deputies [5]

President Alliance Party
Lidia Gueiler Tejada MNR-A PRIN-G August 1979 November 1979
José Zegarra Cerruto APIN MARC November 1979 July 1980

UDP – Democratic and Popular Union (Unidad Democratica y Popular). Electoral alliance formed by
Nationalist Revolutionary Movement of the Left, MNRI;
Communist Party of Bolivia, PCB;
Revolutionary Left Movement, MIR;
Tupaj Katari Revolutionary Movement, MRTK;
Movement of the National Left, MIN;
Popular Movement for National Liberation, MPLN;
Alliance of the National Left, ALIN;
Revolutionary Party of the Nationalist Left, PRIN;
Revolutionary Workers Party Trotskyist-Posadist, POR-TP;
Socialist Party-Sabino Tito Atahuichi, PS-Atahuichi;
Organization of Revolutionary Unity, OUR;
Center for the Study of Natural Resources, CERNA;
Revolutionary Party of the Workers of Bolivia, PRTB. [6]

MNR-A – Revolutionary Nationalist Movement-Alliance (Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario-Alianza). Electoral alliance formed by
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement, MNR;
Tupaj Katari Revolutionary Movement-Chila, MRTK-Chila (faction led by Macabeo Chila);
Communist Party of Bolivia (Marxist–Leninist), PCML;
Christian Democratic Party, PDC;
Revolutionary Party of the National Left – Gueiler, PRIN-G;
Authentic Revolutionary Party, PRA (historical faction led by Walter Guevara Arce). [7]

ADN – Nationalist Democratic Action.

FSB-M – Bolivian Socialist Falange-Moreira (faction led by Gaston Moreira Ostria).

PRA-R – Authentic Revolutionary Party- Ríos (faction led by Jorge Ríos Gamarra).

MNR-J – Revolutionary Nationalist Movement-Julio, (faction led by Rubén Julio Castro).

PS-1 – Socialist Party-One.

APIN – Popular Alliance for National Integration (Alianza Popular de Integración Nacional). Electoral alliance formed by
Revolutionary Agrarian Movement of the Bolivian Peasantry, MARC;
Bolivian Socialist Falange, FSB (faction led by Mario Gutiérrez Gutiérrez);
Christian Democratic Union, UDC. [8]

MITKA – Indian Movement Tupaj Katari.

PUB – Bolivian Union Party.


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  6. ^ The dictionary of contemporary politics of South America. Author: By Phil Gunson, Andrew Thompson, Greg Chamberlain. Routledge, 1989. P. 92.
  7. ^ Elections in the Americas : a data handbook / ed. by Dieter Nohlen, Vol. 2. [Oxford] [u.a.]: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. P.139.
  8. ^ Rivadeneira Prada, Raúl. El laberinto político de Bolivia, Ed. Cinco, La Paz, Bolivia, 1984. P.110.

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