- Mundesley Lifeboat Station
Mundesley lifeboat station Lifeboat station Mundeslay lifeboat station.SymbolCountry England County Norfolk District North Norfolk Village Mundesley Location on the promenade at the East end of the village Mundesley, Norfolk - coordinates 52°52′34.6″N 1°26′28.9″E / 52.876278°N 1.441361°E Material Fabricated steelwork, Brickwork and concrete Founded 1972 Date New station built in 2008 Owner The Mundesley Volunteer Inshore Lifeboat Service Ltd, which is a Limited Company and registered charity Mundesley lifeboat station is voluntary run lifeboat station located in the village of Mundesley in the English county of Norfolk[1][2]. The station operates one lifeboat which is used for inshore work. The lifeboat service is a "Declared Facility"[1] , this means that H.M. Coastguard regard it as being on a par with the RNLI. The lifeboat provides it service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year[1] to windsurfers, fishing boats, swimmers and divers or anybody in distress within the Mundesley area. The service has also provided assistance to boats of various sizes which have required towing etc.
The Parish Council of Mundesley became very concerned after a tragedy occurred half a mile off the beach in Mundesley in 1971.[1] The incident resulted in the drowning and near drowning of a man and his wife whilst sailing there boat. A meeting was called by the Council to discuss the feasibility of establishing an Inshore Lifeboat at Mundesley. It was decided to contact the RNLI and Coastguard to ask for help in setting up a service. There response was that they would be unable to help[1] due to heavy commitments to other stations in the area.
Independent service
Undiscouraged by this response the Council decided they would set up an independent rescue service. This service would be funded and manned from within the village. As a result of a series of meetings held by the council "The Mundesley Volunteer Inshore Lifeboat Service Ltd"[1] was formed. The organization was to be a Limited Company and registered charity. Being a Limited Company, a board of directors was duly elected who were chosen from a broad section of the local community including proposed crew members. The volunteer crew would take care of the day to day running of the boat and the station, whilst the directors would take care of the policy making, fund raising and financial arrangements[1].
Service commences
By the spring of 1972 the organization was ready to start its service. A Zodiac inflatable was acquired to use as the lifeboat which had been borrowed from a local businessman[1]. This lifeboat was housed in a temporary boathouse on the promenade at the East end of the village. Throughout the summer of 1972 an extensive fund raising campaign was initiated which resulted in the purchase of a 4M Avon Sea Rider semi rigid inflatable which was wholly owned by the new Service[1]. Contractors at the close by Bacton Gas Terminal donated a wooden site hut which was converted into a boathouse[1].
Since those early days the Service has gone from strength to strength and has taken part in the rescue of some 100[1] people in trouble. The lifeboat is call out to service by a pager system which is activated by H M Coastguard from their Great Yarmouth operations room[1]. The lifeboat works closely with other Lifeboat stations in the area both inshore and offshore, and also with the RAF Search and Rescue Helicopter Squadron now located at Wattisham in Suffolk [1]. All the crew members are volunteers who are trained in all aspects of search and rescue work, boat handling, first aid, and navigation. The volunteers undertake training all year round. There are lifeboat crew on duty at the station every Sunday and Bank Holiday during the summer months[1].
New station
A new Lifeboat station was built in 2006[1] which was funded entirely by donations received by the public[1]. The new station is a steel framed building which has block and brick curtain walling. The roof is constructed from insulated steel cladding. The interior[1] consist of a main boat hall in which the boat and the tractor sit side by side ready for service. Also on the ground floor is the drying room which holds all of the crew's personal protection equipment such as drysuits, helmets and lifejackets. This room is constantly kept warm and damp free to prolong the life of the crews valuable kit. The first floor[1] consists of four main rooms. The lookout is situated on the eastern elevation so that almost the whole of the Mundesley guard is visible. Also kept in this room are charts of the coast and two VHF radios so a constant communications can be kept with the boat whilst it is out at sea. A second room, next door is used as a crew training room. In this room the Lifeboat service hold the majority of there meetings. It is also were training sessions, which are held fortnightly on a Monday night, take place. The other two rooms on the first floor are used as the Coxswains office and a Kitchen area.
The Mundesley Inshore Lifeboat is a semi rigid inflatable boat of 4.5 m (15 ft). She was built by Goodchild Marine of Great Yarmouth and she is a Tornado type, called Footprints. The boat is powered by a 60 brake horsepower (45 kW) Mercury outboard engine. This pushes the boat over the water at a maximum speed of 28 knots (32 mph; 52 km/h).
Destinations from Mundesley lifeboat station Cromer Lifeboat Station
North Sea
North Sea Landward N W E S North Sea Landward Caister Lifeboat station
North Sea External links
- Lifeboat website
- Mundesley on Sea Parish Council
- Mundesley Guide and Photo Gallery
- Mundesley village website
Notes and references
(RNLI) and Independent Lifeboat stations in Norfolk
Caister Beach Company lifeboatsUnnamed 1st • Unnamed 2ndNo. 1 station lifeboatsCharles Burton • James Haylett • Charles Bonney GeorgeLifeboat disasterCromer Beach station
lifeboatsUnnamed 1st • Unnamed 2nd • Unnamed 3rd (RNLI) • Henry Blogg · Henry Thomas DaviesNotable rescuesBarque Alf • SS Cantabria · SS English Trader · SS Gallois • SS Georgia · SS Meriones • SS Monte Nevoso • Stuart Hill (sailor) · SS Mount Ida · HMS Vortigern (D37)Great Yarmouth &
GorlestonLifeboatsWilliam Fleming ·Notable rescuesSS Hopelyn •Lifeboat disastersGorleston lifeboat disaster (1866) · Gorleston lifeboat disaster (1867) · Gorleston lifeboat disaster (1881) · Gorleston lifeboat disaster (1888)Happisburgh RNLI LifeboatsSpirit of Berkhamsted • Friendly Forester IIHunstanton RNLI LifeboatsDJS Haverhill • Hunstanton Flyer (Civil Service No.45)Mundesley Private LifeboatsFootprintsSheringham Private lifeboatsRNLI
lifeboatsDuncan • William Bennett (ON 11) • J C Madge (ON 536) • ILB (D 204) • Lloyds II (ON 986) • ILB (B 536) • Manchester Unity of Oddfellows (B 702)Notable rescuesWells-next-the-Sea Lifeboat disasterRelated topics Categories:- Lifeboats of Norfolk
- Mundesley
- Independent Lifeboat stations
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