Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib

Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib
Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib
Born Muhammad Jailani bin Abu Talib
November 22, 1985 (1985-11-22) (age 25)
Pen name Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib, Jai, Kikirputra
Occupation Writer editor Graphic Artist
Nationality Singaporean
Genres Poetry, Essays, Research Papers

Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib (born 1985, Singapore) is a poet, editor, critic and writer. He has edited three books including "Bahasa Sumber Intelektual Peribumi", "RESAN : Antologi Puisi dan Cerpen Sayembara Noktah Putih 2008" and "Evolution of Malay Language : 2000 Years". His poems are also regularly featured in various print mediums in Singapore and Malaysia including Berita Minggu (Singapore), Berita Harian (Malaysia). His thoughts and critiques on art and literature has also been published in Dewan Budaya (Malaysia) and Majalah Gong (Indonesia). He is currently an undergraduate of the Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya and a recipient of the National Arts Council Singapore Bursary Award (Overseas) 2009.[1]



Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib underwent formal education in Bukit Panjang Primary School and Yusof Ishak Secondary School before moving on to Singapore Polytechnic (Diploma in Interior Design) to pursue his polytechnic education. In 2008, while serving his National Service with the Singapore Police Force as a sergeant, he made a decision to pursue a Bachelor of Malay Studies (Hons) at the Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya where he is currently reading Malay language and literature.

His involvement with the Malay society began at a very young age through his involvement with Silat, a traditional Malay martial art. At the age of 14, he then also dabbled with traditional Malay dance. His talent and commitment in Silat was recognised in 2004 when he was groomed to serve the Singapore Silat Federation as one of its referees and jurors. Prior to lending his professional views as a referee and juror, he also served Seligi Tunggal Angkatan as instructor and Sendeng Sekilas as chief instructor.

In the same year (2004), he was also involved in a few key performances in the Malay performing arts community. Among the appearances that he made were at Victoria Theatre for Malam Kilir Jati '04 where he served as a performer under the tutelage of Azmi Juhari. Alongside his involvement in Silat, he also danced under the care and guidance of Azmi Juhari and Fathurrahman Said. As a dancer and designer (due to his professional design training in Singapore Polytechnic) who was sensitive to the changing landscape of art and society, he assisted Fathurrahman Said in conceptualising numerous dance choreographies which has been staged at Republic Polytechnic's The Republic Cultural Centre and Kaliurang, Jogjakarta, Indonesia as part of Asia-Tri Jogjakarta Arts Festival 2007. In 2008, he was the Assistant Stage Manager for Gentarasa 2009 held at the Esplanade.[2]

Throughout his involvement in various forms of art and activism, he would pen his views and thoughts in the form of poetry. His talent for writing was first noticed by Dzakir (Aki) of Mashmellow, a local Malay band who invited him to be the band's resident songwriter for its second album. His stint with the band however was short-lived due to a fallout between its members. The incident however never stopped him from writing.

His passion and academic and literary excellence was further recognised and revered by his colleagues and peers which earned him the post of President of the Malay Language Society in the university (PBMUM). His appointment marked a major historical feat in the history of the society by making him the first foreign student to be allowed to head a society in the University. Among the notable figures who has led PBMUM includes revered figures in the academic circle such as Associate Professor Dr. Nuwairi Haji Khaza'ai (Academician), Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister) and Datuk Ahmad Shaberry Cheek (Malaysian Youth and Sports Minister). He served as president of the society for two consecutive years from 2009-2011.

Art & Activism

Muhammad Jailani holds on to the belief that art should be used as medium towards bringing good to the society. Due to this belief, he constantly seeks new avenues of exploring art as a tool to bring about positive changes to the society. The above is apparent in the works that he has produced. Holding firmly to this belief, he believes that artists should give nothing but their best for each artwork produced would have an impact on the society. It is also in this framework that he is active not only as an art practitioner but also as an activist. In 2007, together with Fathurrahman Said, he conceptualised a dance choreography about the impact of natural disasters towards humanity. The choreography was performed at Mount Kaliurang, Jogjakarta, Indonesia in a bid to create awareness of the then recent earthquake.

His unique ability to seek a synthesis between traditional and modern culture makes him unique in the field of literature and design. He was described by Nur Naqiah Abas (2009:3) :

"..His works encapsulates the soul of the Malay culture into lively pieces of art. His works hover on the side of being traditional and contemporary at the same time. A core ideal that has brought him from strength to strength in his creative principles in the fields of literature, culture, language, design and art."[3]

Sensing the loss of traditional values in today's modern society, Muhammad Jailani propagates the use of traditional and contemporary art forms to instill a sense of humanity in the society. His inclination towards humanitarian and societal development in art can also be observed in 2006 through his voluntary act of serving as a volunteer and facilitator with Peace Community Resources (PCR) in its community based project on rendering psychological assistance to children of broken homes. Throughout his years of serving humanity and art, he also acted as a voluntary Silat trainer. To Muhammad Jailani, there is little difference between varying forms of art and that the only truth towards art is that it should always seek to bring about a positive catharsis in the society. Over the years, he has played an active role in various art institutions through various roles and act.[4]

Between 23 September 2010 to 27 September 2010, under his helm, PBMUM spearheaded the first Malay Book Festival. The festival marked a milestone in the history of literary development in the Malay society with the festival being the first of its kind that acts as a platform solely meant for books written in the Malay language.

Publications & Professional Appointments

His poems have been published in the poetry anthologies "Reflecting On The Merlion : An Anthology of Poems" and "From The Window of This Epoch" as well as various notable print and online mediums in the region including Berita Harian, Berita Minggu, Dewan Budaya and Majalah Gong. In 2008, he won second prize in the Portrait Poets Poetry Competition. In the same year, he also won a poetry competition held by the University of Malaya. In 2009, he won the Golden Point Award (2nd) for short stories while clinching third in the Portrait Poets Poetry Competition for that year.

He is also active as an academic essay writer and has had his research papers published in "Bahasa Sumber Intelektual Peribumi", "Evolution of Malay Language : 2000 Years", "Berita@Asas 50" and on He has also given a lecture on Malay Costumes and Malay Magic in literature at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University and the Indonesian Arts Institute, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. His expertise on contemporary literature and art is also sought by University of Malaya where he was invited to sit as a panelist for various forums as well as lend his professional expertise as a judge in a poetry competition in 2008. In 2009, he was also invited to sit in the READ! Singapore Sub Committee panel overseeing the selection of Malay works to be featured in the READ! Singapore initiative by National Library Board, Singapore.


  • "Reflecting On The Merlion : An Anthology of Poems", by Edwin Thumboo and Yeow Kai Chai (2009, Singapore : firstfruits publications), ISBN 978-981-08-4300-7
  • "Antologi Puisi Malaysia dan Singapura : Dari Jendela Zaman Ini", by ITNM and NAC (2009, Kuala Lumpur : Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia), ISBN 978-983-068-480-2
  • "Bahasa Sumber Intelektual Peribumi", by Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib & Mohamed Pitchay Gani Bin Mohamed Abdul Aziz (2009, Singapore : Asas 50 Press), ISBN 978-981-08-3689-4
  • "Evolution of Malay Language : 2000 Years", by Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib (Ed.) (2009, Singapore : Asas 50 Press & Malay Heritage Centre), ISBN 978-981-08-3561-3
  • "RESAN : Antologi Cerpen & Sajak", by Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib and Mohamed Pitchay Gani Bin Mohamed Abdul Aziz (2009, Singapore : Asas 50 Press), ISBN 978-981-05-9077-2
  • "Rumpun Kita", by Shamsudin Othman, Rahimidin Zahari, Mohamad Saleeh Rahamad, dan S.M. Zakir (2009, Kuala Lumpur : Persatuan Penulis Nasional Malaysia), ISBN 978-967-5485-00-8
  • "Jejak Para Kaul 1", by Leonowens SP (2010, Jakarta : Bisnis 2030), ISBN 978-602-8543-47-7
  • "Jejak Para Kaul II", by Leonowens SP (2010, Jakarta : Bisnis 2030), ISBN 978-602-8543-48-4
  • "Susur Pendekar : Koleksi Puisi", by Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib (2010, Singapore : Reka Media), ISBN 978-981-08-5150-7
  • "Kampung Warisan Kuala Lumpur : Antologi Puisi 56 Penyair", by Pyanhabib + Dinsman (2010, Kuala Lumpur : Seniman Paksi Rakyat), ISBN 978-967-5695-01-8
  • "Instrospek", by Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib (2008, Kuala Lumpur : Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya)


  • 2008 - Certificate of Distinction for Menggapai Angkasa by Angkatan Sasterawan 50
  • 2008 - First Prize for Syukran! Ya Allah! by Ungku Aziz College, University of Malaya
  • 2009 - Essay Cheeseman Award by University of Malaya
  • 2009 - Certificate of Distinction for Antara Tumasik dan Singapura by Angkatan Sasterawan 50
  • 2009 - Golden Point Award by National Arts Council (Singapore)
  • 2009 - NAC (Overseas) Bursary Award by National Arts Council (Singapore)
  • 2009 - Youth Activist Icon (Tokoh Belia Aktivis) by National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
  • 2010 - Model Young Writer (Tokoh Penulis Muda) by Mutiara Minda, MPH, Malaysia
  • 2011 - Honorary Award (Anugerah Penghormatan) by Malay Language Society, University of Malaya
  • 2011 - Gold Award (Anugerah Kencana) by Malay Language Society, University of Malaya
  • 2011 - Alumni Award by University of Malaya

External links

  •, Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib Scribd Page


  • ITNM & NAC, "Through The Window of This Epoch", Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia, Malaysia, 2009.
  • Mohamed Pitchay Gani Bin Mohamed Abdul Aziz & Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib, Bahasa Sumber Intelektual Peribumi, Asas 50 Press, Singapore, 2009.
  • Nur Naqiah Abas, "Professional Practice", Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore, 2009.
  • Sharifah Amirah Shahab, Tokoh Belia Aktivis "in Aktivis Academic Journal 9'", National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2009.


  1. ^ Mohamed Pitchay Gani, Bin Mohamed Abdul Aziz (2009). Bahasa Sumber Intelektual Peribumi. Asas 50 Press. ISBN 9799810836894. 
  2. ^ Mohamed Pitchay Gani Bin Mohamed Abdul Aziz & Muhammad Jailani Abu Talib, Biografi Penulis in Bahasa Sumber Intelektual Peribumi, (Singapore: Asas 50 Press, 2009), p. 157.
  3. ^, Professional Practice-Nur Naqiah Abas
  4. ^ Sharifah Amirah, Shahab (2009). "Tokoh Belia Aktivis 2009" in Aktivis. Persatuan Budaya Melayu Institut Pendidikan Nasional. ISBN 02197022. 

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