Moshe Greenwald

Moshe Greenwald

Moshe Greenwald (1853–1910), also spelled Grunwald, was the Rav of Chust, Hungary and progenitor of the Puppa Hasidic dynasty through his five sons. He was also the author of Arugas Habosem, a book of responsa covering a wide breadth of halakhic issues.

He was the eldest son of Rabbi Amram Greenwald (1831–1870), one of the leading students of the Ksav Sofer. His father, not wanting to enter the rabbinate, married his wife on that condition.[1]

Rabbi Moshe was one of a group of students of the Ksav Sofer who took on Hasidic customs.[2] He was also a disciple of the second Belzer Rebbe, Rabbi Yehoshua Rokeach.[3]

Greenwald began his rabbinic career as the Rav and av beis din in Humenné, where he established a yeshiva.[2]. From there he accepted the rabbanut of Kleinvergein, and in 1887 he moved to Chust, where he also headed a yeshiva. Among his favorite students in Chust were Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, the future founder of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath.[2]

Greenwald eschewed pilpul but advised his students to acquire breadth and depth in the study of Torah and Gemara.[2]


  • Moshe Greenwald of Chust - author of Arugas Habosem
    • Avraham Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Ungvar, son of the Arugas Habosem
    • Yaakov Yechezkiya Greenwald, Rav of Puppa, son of the Arugas Habosem
      • Yosef Greenwald, Puppa Rav of Williamsburg, son of Yaakov Yechezkiya Greenwald
        • Yaakov Yechezkiya Greenwald, Puppa Rav of Williamsburg, son of Yosef Greenwald
        • Yisroel Menachem Greenwald, Puppa Rav of Boro Park, son of Yosef Greenwald
        • Aron Greenwald, Puppa Dayan of Williamsburg, son of Yosef Greenwald
    • Yekusiel Yehuda Greenwald, Rav of Yoreh, son of the Arugas Habosem
    • Yisroel Meir Greenwald, son of the Arugas Habosem (died age 30)
    • Levi Yitzchok Greenwald, Rav of Tzehlim and later Kehillas Arugas Habosem in Williamsburg, son of the Arugas Habosem


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