East Bodish languages

East Bodish languages
East Bodish
Ethnicity: Monpa people etc.
Linguistic classification: Sino-Tibetan

The East Bodish languages are those Bodish languages not covered by the name Tibetan, such as those spoken by the Monpa. They include:

The most divergent is Dakpa. Ethnologue also lists Chali and Nyen, which are much closer.

The distantly related Tshangla languages language of eastern Bhutan, also called "Monpa" and predating Dzongkha, also belongs to the Tibeto-Burman languages.[1][2] While the above East Bodish languages are closely related, Tshangla and related languages form a sister branch not to the East Bodish group, but to its parent Bodish branch. Thus the ambiguous term "Monpa" risks separating languages that should be grouped together, while grouping languages together that are quite separate.[3]


  1. ^ van Driem, George L. (1993) (PDF). Language Policy in Bhutan. London: SOAS. http://repository.forcedmigration.org/pdf/?pid=fmo:3003. Retrieved 2011-01-18. 
  2. ^ van Driem, George (2001). Languages of the Himalayas: An Ethnolinguistic Handbook of the Greater Himalayan Region. Brill. p. 915 et seq.. 
  3. ^ Andvik, Eric E. (2009). A Grammar of Tshangla. Tibetan Studies Library. 10. Brill. pp. 4–7. ISBN 9004178279. 

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