Antonia Scarpa

Antonia Scarpa

Antonia Scarpa is a filmmaker and musician born and raised in New York City. Her family emigrated to Brooklyn from the small Sicilian town of Polizzi Generosa, the same town from which Martin Scorsese’s family came. Scarpa founded the alternative rock / performance art / circus act “Naked Sun” directly out of high school. Moving to Los Angeles, Scarpa played with several of the bands that created the original “Silver Lake” scene including “Don Knotts Overdrive", and Interscope recording artists “Lifter” with Mike Coulter and Jeffrey Sebelia. Scarpa and Moni Ritchie founded the multimedia rock group “The Drummed” (which also featured Rob Campanella of The Quarter After and The Brian Jonestown Massacre and Christian Hejnal of Scarling.) Scarpa played drums, and synthesizers as well as creating a visual projection show for the bands performances.

Scarpa’s five years in the making, documentary on Los Angeles band “Betty Blowtorch” titled “Betty Blowtorch And Her Amazing True Life Adventures” set attendance records at the American Film Institute's music documentary festival and won the coveted “Audience Award” at the “Silver Lake Film Festival”. Los Angeles’ leading alternative film fest. The film caught the attention of Philippe Diaz at Cinema Libre Studio who eventually released the film

Scarpa was also a founding member of the Los Angeles based, post punk band “The Art of Safecracking” with Lance Webber of “Man Will Surrender” Melanie Makaiwi of “The Penny Dreadfuls” and Carlos Gutierrez of “Turndown”. Scarpa played drums and synthesizers and also created the bands live visual projections.

Scarpa’s dramatic feature “Grace”, the story of a young woman’s battle with terminal illness, premiered at the Cinequest film festival.

For the past several years Scarpa has been the production manager and technical director for the very successful theater production Lucha VaVOOM






  • The Art of Safecracking, "TAOS" (2004) — Drums Synth
  • Lifter, "Album #2" (1998) — Drums
  • Naked Sun, "WONDERDRUG" (1994) — Drums
  • Naked Sun, "Naked Sun" (1992) — Drums

Singles and EPs

  • The Art of Safecracking, "SPITR" (2004) — Drums Synth
  • The Drummed, "Eraserhead", EP (1997) — Drums Synth Producer
  • The Drummed, "Mosquito", EP (1998) — Drums Synth Producer
  • The Drummed, "The Drummed", EP (1999) — Drums Synth Producer
  • Don Knotts Overdrive, "Relax" (1996) — Drums

External links


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