Miyal syedan

Miyal syedan

Miyal Syedan is a village located in Rawalpindi Tehsil Punjab Pakistan. It is in Chountra region and it belongs to Potohar town. It is almost 21 kilometers from Chakbeli khan and about 75 kilometers from Rawalpindi on Rawalpindi Chakwal Boundary. It is the village owned by Syed tribe. An islamic personality baba Hazrat Shah Abdullah probably started to live here where water was easily available and he purchased almost 587,500 acres (2,378 km2). He had 7 sons. Imam Shah, Sultan Shah, Nishan Ali Shah, Budhay Shah, Haider Shah, Abdullah Shah and Roday Shah. They were settled here. After that Hindus and Sikhs of surroundings came here along with other Muslim tribes like Maliar, Awan, Choudhari, and other castes. In British raj these Muslim tribes (especially Syeds) were badly affected and their ownership of land and other resources started to decrease rapidly. After 1857, the Hindus and Sikhs took over control of the village from the Syeds. Sonay Shah, Nadu Shah, Fazal hussain Shah were hanged in response to killing the sikh who was accused of robbery, rapes etc. named as Gopaal Singh. Then after Pakistan's liberation the settlement started.

Mial is the land of brave and warrior people. Political leaders always using their bravery and aggressive mentality for their personal purposes. Another brave personality of Mial is Malik Noor Khan who is well known in Rawalpindi, Chakwal and Attock killed with 9 of his family members.

Choudhary nisar ali khan who is a national assembly member has a great effect on this village.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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