
Mirada PLC
Type Public Limited Company
Industry Media
Founded February 2008
Website www.mirada.tv

mirada is an audiovisual interaction specialist whose formation resulted from the merger of digital entertainment company Yoomedia and the FreshIT[1]. With a headquarters in Wapping, London, they are a multi-national company with offices in the UK, Spain, Uruguay and Italy. In addition to the offices at the Wapping site, they also own an operate a suite of television and film studios as well as a playout facility which is home to channels including Gala TV and mirada's own Monte Carlo Roulette.

Although they deal mainly within the TV and interactive media market, they also have a presence in the interactive payment and digital marketing sectors.



Yoomedia was a British interactive television company operating mainly within the gambling and gaming sectors, producing its own channel Avago as well as working with clients including ITV, the NHS, and the BBC. These services ranged from channel playout and scheduling to interactive media creation and return path provision.

Although they operated a range of services, including a dating service Dateline and a car park payment system YooPark[2], their main presence in the media world was their gaming channel Avago, which was eventually sold to Gala for a reported £5 million and became the Gala TV channel that mirada now operate.

Fresh IT was a Spanish technology company that created and maintained solutions for the interactive television industry. Unlike YooMedia, they did not create or produce any content, but instead produced interaction and advertising services for the media[3].

Current Structure

As it currently stands, mirada is divided into four distinct operational areas, digital TV, broadcasters, gaming and interactive marketing.

Interactive Marketing - provide marketing and branding solutions for external clients, including interactive mobile campaigns, IVR and online marketing.[4].

Gaming - create AV-based gambling and gaming products for use on television and the web. Current products include their Bingo engine which is behind both ITV's Bingo Night Live and Gala TV, and their 'Virtual Dealer Roulette', which is responsible for mirada's Monte Carlo Roulette Service. In addition to this content, they also provide the back-end technology which allows customers to use them.[5]

Broadcasters - includes content for broadcasters as well as mirada's synchronisation technology. Wapping Broadcast, mirada studio facilities, also fall into this category.[6]

Digital TV - operate within the interactive television sector, and provide , EPG and Pay-per-View services, in addition to interactive games for red button services.[7]


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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