Metal rubber

Metal rubber

Metal rubber is a broad, informal name for several conductive plastic polymers with metal ions produced by NanoSonic, Inc, in cooperation with Virginia Tech. This self-assembling nanocomposite is ultra flexible and durable to high and low pressures, temperatures, tensions, most chemical reactions, and retains all of its physical and chemical properties upon being returned to a ground state. NanoSonics Metal Rubberis a highly electrically conductive and highly flexible elastomer. It can be mechanically strained to greater than 1000 percent of its original dimensions while remaining electrically conductive. As Metal Rubber can carry data and electrical power and is environmentally rugged, it opens up a new world of applications requiring robust, flexible and stretchable electrical conductors in the aerospace/defense, electronics and bioengineering markets.

TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION Metal Rubber is made through a modified molecular-level self-assembly production process using precursors NanoSonic produces in-house. Materials are manufactured in a variety of sizes and geometries.The possible uses of such a product include superior body armor, durable electronic sensors, various aerospace-building materials, and alternate commercial building materials.

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