- Homogeneity
Homogeneity means "being similar throughout".
Homogeneity may also refer to:
Homogeneous (mathematics) , a variety of meanings
* Instatistics homogeneity can refer to
** Homogeneity of variance:Homoscedasticity
**Logically consistent data matrices:homogeneity (statistics)
*Homogeneity (physics) , in physics, two particular meanings: On one hand, translational invariance. On the other, homogeneity of units in equations, related to dimensional analysis
*Homogenetic orhomoplastic , in biology, applied both to animals and plants, of having a resemblance in structure, due to descent from a common progenitor with subsequent modification
*Homogenization is intensive mixing of mutually insoluble phases (sometimes with addition of surfactants) to obtain a soluble suspension or emulsion, for example homogenizing milk so that the cream doesn't separate out
* In physical chemistry, homogeneous describes a single-phase system as opposed to aheterogeneous system. See alsophase diagram s and the classification ofcatalysts
* In the context of procurement/purchasing, "homogeneous" is used to describe goods that do not vary in their essential characteristic irrespective of the source of supply
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