

Melkorkustead (Old Norse Melkorkustaðir) was a farm in western Iceland during the Icelandic Commonwealth period. It was the home of Melkorka, mother of the gothi Olaf the Peacock.


  • Magnusson, Magnus and Hermann Palsson, transl. Laxdaela Saga. Penguin Classics, 1969.

The name in Irish could be: Myr Kjartan King of Irland or mael-Curcaigh or Muirchertach of the Leather Cloaks, King of Aileach son af Niall Glundubh


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  • Melkorka — is the name given in Landnámabók and Laxdœla saga for the Irish mother of the Icelandic goði Ólafr Höskuldsson. According to Laxdœla saga, Höskuldr purchased a Melkorka, who he believed to be a mute thrall woman, from a Rus merchant on Brännö… …   Wikipedia

  • Melkorkustead — (Old Norse Melkorkustaðir ) was a farm in western Iceland during the Icelandic Commonwealth period. It was the home of Melkorka, mother of the godi Olaf the Peacock.References*Magnusson, Magnus and Hermann Palsson, transl. Laxdaela Saga. Penguin… …   Wikipedia

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