Mehelya capensis

Mehelya capensis
Mehelya capensis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Serpentes
Family: Colubridae
Subfamily: Boodontinae
Genus: Mehelya
Species: M. capensis
Binomial name
Mehelya capensis
(A. Smith, 1847)

The Cape file snake, Mehelya capensis, is a large, non-venomous snake belonging to the family Colubridae. It is one of several species in the genus mehelya, all of which are considered varieties of file snake. File snakes are set apart by their unusual scale patterns.


Geographic range

It is found from Natal northwards through the former Transvaal and Zimbabwe, and westwards to the Caprivi Strip and Namibia, thence northwards to Cameroon and Somalia.


With an average length of about 120 centimetres (3 ft 11 in), specimens of 165 cm (5 ft 5 in) have been recorded. It has a very flat head and its body is strikingly triangular in cross-section.

The Cape file snake's dorsal scales are strongly keeled with extensive pink-purple bare skin between the scales. Its colour is mostly grey to grey-brown, but occasionally dark olive to purple-brown. The prominent vertebral stripe is white to yellow, while the belly is ivory white to cream.


Three subspecies are recognized, including the nominate race.

  • Mehelya capensis capensis (A. Smith, 1847)
  • Mehelya capensis savorgnani (Mocquard, 1887)
  • Mehelya capensis unicolor (Boulenger, 1910)[2]


Mehelya capensis prefers savannahs and coastal forests.


Though it is not venomous the Cape file snake is a highly successful predator of other snakes, easily following a scent trail and apparently immune to all venom. It also preys on small vertebrates.


Rarely attempting to bite when captured, it may defecate in self-defence.[3]


  1. ^ Boulenger, G.A. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History), Volume I. London. p. 345.
  2. ^ The Reptile Database.
  3. ^ Branch, Bill. 1988. Field Guide to the Snakes and other Reptiles of Southern Africa. Ralph Curtis Books. Sanibel Island, Florida. 368 pp. ISBN 0-88359-042-5.

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