Meanings of minor planet names: 501–1000

Meanings of minor planet names: 501–1000

This is a list of the sources of minor planet names. Those meanings marked with an asterisk (*) are guesswork, and should be checked against Lutz D. Schmadel's Dictionary of Minor Planet Names or Paul Herget's The Names of the Minor Planets to ensure that the identification is correct. Names established from other sources should quote the reference.

Contents: 501... 601... 701... 801... 901...

Name Provisional Designation Source of Name
501 Urhixidur 1903 LB Character in Friedrich Theodor Vischer's novel Auch Einer [H]
502 Sigune 1903 LC Character in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Titurel [H]
503 Evelyn 1903 LF Evelyn Smith Dugan, the discoverer's (Raymond Smith Dugan) mother [H]
504 Cora 1902 LK Cora, wife of one of the four sons of Pirua Wiracocha, creator god of civilization in Inca mythology [H]
505 Cava 1902 LL Cava, figure in Inca mythology [H]
506 Marion 1903 LN Marion Orcutt, the discoverer's (Raymond Smith Dugan) cousin [H]
507 Laodica 1903 LO Laodice, daughter of Priam and Hecuba [H]
508 Princetonia 1903 LQ Princeton University [H]
509 Iolanda 1903 LR ([H] has no explanation)
510 Mabella 1903 LT Mabel Loomis Todd, daughter of the American mathematician-astronomer Elias Loomis, wife of David Peck Todd (see 511, below) [H]
511 Davida 1903 LU David Peck Todd, American astronomer [H]
512 Taurinensis 1903 LV Taurinum, ancient name of Turin, Italy [H]
513 Centesima 1903 LY 100th (the discoverer's 100th asteroid) [H]
514 Armida 1903 MB Character in Gluck's opera Armide, based on Torquato Tasso's baroque epic poem La Gerusalemme liberata [H]
515 Athalia 1903 ME Athalia, Biblical queen of Judah (2 Kings ix) [H]
516 Amherstia 1903 MG Amherst College, alma mater of the discoverer [H]
517 Edith 1903 MH Edith Dugan Eveleth, the discoverer's sister [H]
518 Halawe 1903 MO Halawe, a type of Arabic sweetmeat, a favourite of the discoverer [H]
519 Sylvania 1903 MP The forests the discoverer enjoyed tramping through even as a small boy [H]
520 Franziska 1903 MV ([H] has no explanation)
521 Brixia 1904 NB Latin for Brescia, Italy, birthplace of the orbit computer, Emilio Bianchi [H]
522 Helga 1904 NC ([H] only says "Named by Lt. Th. Lassen, orbit computer"; see AN 169, 363)
523 Ada 1904 ND Ada Helme, school friend and neighbour of the discoverer [H]
524 Fidelio 1904 NN Leonora's pseudonym in Beethoven's only opera Fidelio [H]
525 Adelaide 1908 EKa Queen Adelaide, consort to King William IV ([H] says nothing) This name was first borne by a Max Wolf discovery until it was identified as 1171 Rusthawelia; the name was then re-assigned to this J. H. Metcalf discovery
526 Jena 1904 NQ Jena, Germany, on the occasion of a meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft there in 1905 (see AN 172, 287) [H]
527 Euryanthe 1904 NR Character in Carl Maria von Weber's opera Euryanthe [H]
528 Rezia 1904 NS Character in Carl Maria von Weber's opera Oberon [H]
529 Preziosa 1904 NT Character in Cervantes' short story La Gitanilla [H]
530 Turandot 1904 NV Character in Puccini's opera Turandot [H]
531 Zerlina 1904 NW Character in Mozart's opera Don Giovanni [H]
532 Herculina 1904 NY Feminine form of Hercules, Roman demigod ([H] simply says "named by Prof. Elia Millosevich, Observatory of the Collegio Romano" AN 167, 45)
533 Sara 1904 NZ A friend of the discoverer [H]
534 Nassovia 1904 OA Latin for Nassau Hall, Princeton University [H]
535 Montague 1904 OC Montague, Massachusetts, USA, the discoverer's birthplace [H]
536 Merapi 1904 OF Mount Merapi, Sumatra, site of several expeditions to observe the solar eclipse of 17 May 1901 [H]
537 Pauly 1904 OG Max Pauly, German businessman (manager of a sugar factory) and amateur optician whom Ernst Abbe appointed as head of the newly established Astronomy Division of Zeiss to design and produce telescope lenses; he ground the 10-inch lens of the Bruce telescope, the "jewel of the Königstuhl" [H]
538 Friederike 1904 OK Friend of the discoverer [H]
539 Pamina 1904 OL Character in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute [H]
540 Rosamunde 1904 ON Character in Schubert's incidental music for the play Rosamunde [H]
541 Deborah 1904 OO Deborah, Biblical prophetess (Judges 4:5) [H]
542 Susanna 1904 OQ Friend of the discoverer [H]
543 Charlotte 1904 OT Friend of the discoverer [H]
544 Jetta 1904 OU Jetta, legendary figure of Heidelberg [H]
545 Messalina 1904 OY Messalina, Roman empress [H]
546 Herodias 1904 PA Herodias, Biblical princess, consort of Herod Antipas [H]
547 Praxedis 1904 PB Character in German poet and author Victor von Scheffel's Ekkehard [H]
548 Kressida 1904 PC Cressida, Trojan princess, character of Shakespeare's play Troilus and Cressida (based on the medieval legend of Troy, as opposed to the classical) [H]
549 Jessonda 1904 PK Character in German composer, violinist and conductor Ludwig Spohr's opera Jessonda [H]
550 Senta 1904 PL Character in German composer Richard Wagner's opera The Flying Dutchman [H]
551 Ortrud 1904 PM The wife of Ferederick of Telramund in Richard Wagner's opera Lohengrin [H]
552 Sigelinde 1904 PO Character in Richard Wagner's opera Die Walküre [H]
553 Kundry 1904 PP Character in Richard Wagner's opera Parsifal [H]
554 Peraga 1905 PS Peraga, Italy, site of a country villa of relatives of the orbit computer [H]
555 Norma 1905 PT Character in Vincenzo Bellini's opera Norma [H]
556 Phyllis 1905 PW Phyllis, mythological Greek princess, who loved Demophoon, son of Theseus [H]
557 Violetta 1905 PY Character in Verdi's opera La Traviata, in turn based on Alexandre Dumas, fils' Dame aux camélias [H]
558 Carmen 1905 QB Character in Georges Bizet's opera Carmen, in turn based on Prosper Mérimée's novella of the same name [H]
559 Nanon 1905 QD Nanon, operetta by 19th-century German-Austrian composer Richard Genée [H]
560 Delila 1905 QF Delilah, Biblical character, set to music by Saint-Saëns in his Samson et Délila [H]
561 Ingwelde 1905 QG Ingwelde, opera by Max von Schillings (?) ([H] simply says « German feminine first name »)
562 Salome 1905 QH Salomé, Biblical daughter of Herod the Great, character of Richard Strauss' opera Salome, in turn based on Oscar Wilde's Salomé play [H]
563 Suleika 1905 QK From Johann Wolfgang Goethe's Westöstlicher Diwan [H] (see here)
564 Dudu 1905 QM Character in Friedrich Nietzsche's Also sprach Zarathustra [H]
565 Marbachia 1905 QN Marbach, town in Germany [H]
566 Stereoskopia 1905 QO The stereo-comparator, an apparatus used by astronomers to detect astronomical objects such as asteroids (for instance) on photographic images of an area of the sky taken at different times; the first minor planet thus discovered, in 1902 from 1899 plates, was later identified as this one [H]
567 Eleutheria 1905 QP Eleutheria, the Greek festivals held in honour of Zeus Eleutherius, « the asserter of liberty » [H]
568 Cheruskia 1905 QS Cheruskia, student fraternity at Heidelberg University, named in turn after the Cherusci, an early German tribe [H]
569 Misa 1905 QT Misa, Greek divinity in the Orphic Mysteries [H]
570 Kythera 1905 QX Kythira, Greek island [H] (First name in a long list published in 1914)
571 Dulcinea 1905 QZ Dulcinea, character in Cervantes' novel Don Quixote [H]
572 Rebekka 1905 RB A young woman from Heidelberg [H] (possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters: Rebekka)
573 Recha 1905 RC Character in Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's play Nathan der Weise ([H] says « Recha, a city in Palestine ») (possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters: Recha)
574 Reginhild 1905 RD German feminine first name [H], possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters (Reginhild)
575 Renate 1905 RE Possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters (Renate) ([H] has no explanation)
576 Emanuela 1905 RF A friend of the discoverer [H]
577 Rhea 1905 RH Rhea, mythological Greek Titaness [H] (possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters: Rhea)
578 Happelia 1905 RZ Carl Happel, German painter and benefactor of the Heidelberg Observatory; the Happel Laboratory there is named after him [H]
579 Sidonia 1905 SD Character in Armide, opera by Christoph Willibald Gluck (inspired by the provisional designation letters: Sidonia) [H]
580 Selene 1905 SE Selene, Greek lunar goddess [H]
581 Tauntonia 1905 SH Taunton, Massachusetts, USA, the discovery site [H]
582 Olympia 1906 SO Olympia, Greece [H]
583 Klotilde 1905 SP Daughter of Austrian astronomer Edmund Weiss, director of the Imperial Observatory where the minor planet was discovered [H]
584 Semiramis 1906 SY Semiramis, Assyrian queen [H]
585 Bilkis 1906 TA Bilqis, Balqis or Balkis, the Quranic name for the Queen of Sheba [H]
586 Thekla 1906 TC Saint Thecla [H]
587 Hypsipyle 1906 TF Hypsipyle, mythological Greek queen of Lemnos, mother of twins by Jason [H]
588 Achilles 1906 TG Achilles, mythological Greek warrior [H]
589 Croatia 1906 TM Croatia, country [H]
590 Tomyris 1906 TO Tomyris, Scythian Queen of the Massagetae [H]
591 Irmgard 1906 TP German feminine first name [H]
592 Bathseba 1906 TS Bathsheba, wife of Urias, mother of Solomon [H]
593 Titania 1906 TT Titania, folkloric queen of the fairies (name inspired by the provisionla designation letters: Titania) [H]
594 Mireille 1906 TW Mireille (Mirèio in the original Provençal), a narrative poem by French poet Frédéric Mistral, the source of inspiration for the opera of that name by the French composer Charles Gounod [H]
595 Polyxena 1906 TZ Polyxena, mythological Trojan princess, daughter of Priam and Hecuba [H]
596 Scheila 1906 UA An English student at the University of Heidelberg, a friend of the discoverer [H]
597 Bandusia 1906 UB Spring of Bandusia, fountain near Polezzo, Apulia, Italy [H]
598 Octavia 1906 UC Claudia Octavia, Roman Empress, stepsister and first wife of Nero [H]
599 Luisa 1906 UJ ([H] has no explanation)
600 Musa 1906 UM The Greek Muses [H]
601 Nerthus 1906 UN Nerthus, Germanic/Scandinavian Earth Mother goddess [H]
602 Marianna 1906 TE ([H] has no explanation)
603 Timandra 1906 TJ Timandra, mythological Greek woman, sister of Helen of Troy, mother of Evander [H]
604 Tekmessa 1906 TK Tecmessa, mythological Greek woman, daughter of the Phrygian prince Teubrantes, captive of Ajax, by whom she had a son, Eurysaces [H]
605 Juvisia 1906 UU Juvisy-sur-Orge, France, where Camille Flammarion's observatory was located [H]
606 Brangäne 1906 VB Character in Richard Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde, a maid servant of Isolda [H]
607 Jenny 1906 VC Jenny Adolfine Kessler, friend of the discoverer, on the occasion of her engagement (see 608) [H]
608 Adolfine 1906 VD Jenny Adolfine Kessler, friend of the discoverer, on the occasion of her engagement (see 607) [H]
609 Fulvia 1906 VF Fulvia, wife of Mark Antony [H]
610 Valeska 1906 VK German feminine first name, possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters (Valeska) ([H] has no explanation)
611 Valeria 1906 VL Feminine first name, possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters (Valeria) ([H] has no explanation)
612 Veronika 1906 VN German feminine first name, possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters (Veronika) [H]
613 Ginevra 1906 VP German feminine first name [H] (most famously Guinevere, wife of King Arthur)
614 Pia 1906 VQ German feminine first name [H], or possibly Pia-Sternwarte (Pia Observatory), in Trieste, the private observatory of Johann Nepomuk Krieger (1865–1902), German amateur astronomer and selenographer
615 Roswitha 1906 VR Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim, German poet [H]
616 Elly 1906 VT Elly Boehm (Elly Meyer-Ellès), translator, wife of Karl Boehm, German mathematician [H]
617 Patroclus 1906 VY Patroclus, mythological Greek warrior [H], and his father Menoetius, son of Iapetus and Clymene ((617) Patroclus I Menoetius)
618 Elfriede 1906 VZ ([H] has no explanation)
619 Triberga 1906 WC Triberg im Schwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg, Germany [H]
620 Drakonia 1906 WE Drake University, Iowa, USA, where the orbit computers worked [H]
621 Werdandi 1906 WJ Verdandi, one of the Norns in Norse mythology ([H] has no explanation)
622 Esther 1906 WP Esther, Biblical heroine [H]
623 Chimaera 1907 XJ Mount Chimaera of Lycia, inspiration for the Chimera, mythological Greek monster [H]
624 Hektor 1907 XM Hector, Trojan hero [H]
625 Xenia 1907 XN German feminine first name, possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters (Xenia) [H]
626 Notburga 1907 XO Saint Notburga, holy character of the Neckar valley, the discovery site [H]
627 Charis 1907 XS Charis, Greek goddess, one of the three Graces [H]
628 Christine 1907 XT The discoverer's wife [H]
629 Bernardina 1907 XU ([H] has no explanation)
630 Euphemia 1907 XW Saint Euphemia [H]
631 Philippina 1907 YJ Philipp Kessler, friend of the discoverer, on the occasion of his engagement (see also 634, below) [H]
632 Pyrrha 1907 YX Pyrrha, wife of Deukalion, Greek mythological woman [H]
633 Zelima 1907 ZM German feminine first name, possibly inspired by the provisional designation letters (Zelima) [H]
634 Ute 1907 ZN A friend of the discoverer, on the occasion of her engagement (see also 631, above) [H]
635 Vundtia 1907 ZS Wilhelm Wundt, German psychologist [H]
636 Erika 1907 XP ([H] has no explanation)
637 Chrysothemis 1907 YE Chrysothemis, mythological daughter of Agamemnon, character in Sophocles' Electra [H]
638 Moira 1907 ZQ Moira, Greek goddess of fate [H]
639 Latona 1907 ZT Latona, Roman goddess, daughter of Ceo Titan, loved by Jupiter, mother of Apollo and Diana [H]
640 Brambilla 1907 ZW Prinzessi Brambilla, novel by E. T. A. Hoffmann [H]
641 Agnes 1907 ZX ([H] has no explanation)
642 Clara 1907 ZY One of the discoverer's housekeepers [H]
643 Scheherezade 1907 ZZ Scheherazade, legendary Arabic storyteller in 1001 Nights [H]
644 Cosima 1907 AA Cosima Wagner, daughter of Franz Liszt, Hungarian virtuoso pianist and composer, and second wife of German composer Richard Wagner [H]
645 Agrippina 1907 AG Agrippina, two Roman noblewomen of that name ([H] has no explanation)
646 Kastalia 1907 AC Castalia, Greek nymph whom Apollo transformed into a fountain at Delphi, at the base of Mount Parnassos [H]
647 Adelgunde 1907 AD Princess Adelgunde of Bavaria? ([H] has no explanation)
648 Pippa 1907 AE Character in Und Pippa tanzt, novel by Gerhardt Hauptmann [H]
649 Josefa 1907 AF German feminine first name [H]
650 Amalasuntha 1907 AM Amalasuntha, Ostrogoth queen, daughter of Theoderich [H]
651 Antikleia 1907 AN Anticlea, wife of Laertes, mother of Greek hero Odysseus [H]
652 Jubilatrix 1907 AU The 60-year jubilee of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, during which this minor planet was discovered [H]
653 Berenike 1907 BK Queen Berenice II of Egypt ([H] has no explanation)
654 Zelinda 1908 BM Daughter of mathematician Ulisse Dini ([H] has only « German feminine first name »), or the niece of French astronomer Camille Flammarion (the daughter of his sister Berthe)
655 Briseïs 1907 BF Briseis, mythological Trojan slave ([H] has no explanation)
656 Beagle 1908 BU HMS Beagle, Darwin's ship [H]
657 Gunlöd 1908 BV Gunnlod, mythological Norse giantess ([H] has no explanation)
658 Asteria 1908 BW Asteria, various Greek figures ([H] has no explanation)
659 Nestor 1908 CS Nestor, mythological Greek king ([H] only states when it was named)
660 Crescentia 1908 CC Heroine of a German legend, a variant of the Genevieve of Brabant medieval story, found in the Historie von der geduldigen Konigin Crescentia, itself based on a 12th century poem in the Kaiserchronik [H]
661 Cloelia 1908 CL Cloelia, legendary Roman woman (?) ([H] has no explanation)
662 Newtonia 1908 CW previously believed to refer to Isaac Newton, British physicist [H]; but later correctly identified as being named after Newton, Massachusetts[1]. Isaac Newton is now honored by asteroid 8000 Isaac Newton
663 Gerlinde 1908 DG German feminine first name [H]
664 Judith 1908 DH Biblical heroine dramatised in Friedrich Hebbel's play Judith [H]
665 Sabine 1908 DK French feminine first name ([H] has no explanation)
666 Desdemona 1908 DM Desdemona, character in Shakespeare's Othello (possibly in part because of the letters in the provisional designation: Desdemona) [H]
667 Denise 1908 DN French feminine first name [H] (possibly inspired by the letters of the provisional designation: Denise)
668 Dora 1908 DO A friend of the discoverer's wife [H] (possibly inspired by the letters of the provisional designation: Dora)
669 Kypria 1908 DQ Kypria, poem sometimes attributed to Homer, which serves as an introduction to the Iliad [H]
670 Ottegebe 1908 DR Character in Gerhardt Hauptmann's play Der arme Heinrich [H]
671 Carnegia 1908 DV The Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC, founded by Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-born American businessman and philanthropist [H]
672 Astarte 1908 DY 'Ashtart, Phoenician goddess of love and fertility [H]
673 Edda 1908 EA The Norse Edda, a collection of myths [H]
674 Rachele 1908 EP Wife of Italian astronomer Emilio Bianchi, the orbit computer [H]
675 Ludmilla 1908 DU Character in Mikhail Glinka's opera Ruslan and Lyudmila ([H] has no explanation)
676 Melitta 1909 FN Attic form of the Greek name Melissa, nymph changed into a bee (and also an allusion to the discoverer's name, Melotte) [H]
677 Aaltje 1909 FR Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius, Dutch singer [H]
678 Fredegundis 1909 FS Fredegundis, an opera based on the life of Fredegund (a.k.a. Fredegunda, Fredegundis, Fredigundis, Frédégonde, Queen consort of Chilperic I, the Merovingian Frankish king of Soissons), begun by the French composer Ernest Guirand and completed by Saint-Saëns [H]
679 Pax 1909 FY Pax, Roman goddess [H]
680 Genoveva 1909 GW Main character in Friedrich Hebbel's play Genoveva [H]
681 Gorgo 1909 GZ Gorgo, 5th-century B.C. Queen of Sparta, daughter of Kleomenes and wife of Leonidas [H]
682 Hagar 1909 HA Hagar, Biblical woman (Genesis XXI 14) [H]
683 Lanzia 1909 HC Heinrich Lanz, the German industrialist who provided the funds for the establishment of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences [H]
684 Hildburg 1909 HD German feminine first name [H] (possibly inspired by the letters of the provisional designation: Hildburg)
685 Hermia 1909 HE  ? (possibly the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream; [H] has no explanation; possibly inspired by the letters of the provisional designation: Hermia)
686 Gersuind 1909 HF Character in Gerhart Hauptmann's play Gersuind [H]
687 Tinette 1909 HG  ? ([H] has no explanation)
688 Melanie 1909 HH  ? ([H] has no explanation)
689 Zita 1909 HJ Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma, wife of Emperor Charles I of Austria [H]
690 Wratislavia 1909 HZ Latin for Breslau (Wrocław), now in Poland [H]
691 Lehigh 1909 JG Lehigh University, USA, where the computer (J. B. Reynolds) was [H]
692 Hippodamia 1901 HD Hippodamia, Greek mythological ancestor of Agamemnon and wife of Pelops [H] (possibly inspired by the letters of the provisional designation: Hippodamia)
693 Zerbinetta 1909 HN Character in Richard Strauss' opera Ariadne auf Naxos [H]
694 Ekard 1909 JA Drake University, USA ('Drake' backwards), where the orbit computers (S. B. Nicholson and his wife) were [H]
695 Bella 1909 JB  ? ([H] has no explanation)
696 Leonora 1910 JJ Mary Leonora Snow, wife of the orbit computer, Arthur Snow [H]
697 Galilea 1910 JO Galileo Galilei, on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the discovery of Jupiter's Galilean moons [H]
698 Ernestina 1910 JX Ernst Wolf, son of the discoverer [H]
699 Hela 1910 KD Hel, Norse goddess of the dead [H]
700 Auravictrix 1910 KE Latin for 'victory against the wind' (named for the first Schütte-Lanz Zeppelin flights in 1911) [H]
701 Oriola 1910 KN The Old World Golden Oriole, Oriolus oriolus [H]
702 Alauda 1910 KQ The Alauda genus of birds (larks) [H]
703 Noëmi 1910 KT Noemi, Biblical heroine from the Book of Ruth [H]
704 Interamnia 1910 KU Latin for Terni (Teramo), Italy, the discoverer's birthplace (several Roman towns were called Interamnia, meaning "in between two rivers") [H]
705 Erminia 1910 KV The comic operetta Erminie, by Edward Jacobowsky [H]
706 Hirundo 1910 KX The Hirundo genus of birds (swallows) [H]
707 Steina 1910 LD Mr. Stein, a benefactor of Breslau Observatory [H]
708 Raphaela 1911 LJ Raphael Bischoffsheim, French banker and philanthropist, founder of the Observatoire de Nice (Nice Observatory) [H]
709 Fringilla 1911 LK The Fringilla genus of birds (finches) [H]
710 Gertrud 1911 LM A granddaughter of the discoverer ([H] has no explanation)
711 Marmulla 1911 LN Possibly the German word marmel (marble) ([H] has no explanation)
712 Boliviana 1911 LO Simón Bolívar, South American revolutionary [H]
713 Luscinia 1911 LS The Luscinia genus of birds (nightingales) [H]
714 Ulula 1911 LW The Ulula genus of birds (owls) [H]
715 Transvaalia 1911 LX Transvaal, South Africa; this was the first minor planet discovered from there [H]
716 Berkeley 1911 MD University of California, Berkeley [H]
717 Wisibada 1911 MJ Wiesbaden, Germany, where the discoverer Franz Kaiser was born [H]
718 Erida 1911 MS Daughter of American astronomer Armin Otto Leuschner [H]
719 Albert 1911 MT Baron Albert Salomon von Rothschild, benefactor of the Vienna Observatory [H]
720 Bohlinia 1911 MW Karl Petrus Theodor Bohlin, Swedish astronomer, on the occasion of his 65th birthday [H]
721 Tabora 1911 MZ The Tabora, an ocean liner visited during an astronomical conference [H]
722 Frieda 1911 NA Daughter of Austrian astronomer Karl Hillebrand ([H] has no explanation)
723 Hammonia 1911 NB Hamburg, Germany [H]
724 Hapag 1911 NC The Hamburg America Line (HAPAG), after the shipping line [H]
725 Amanda 1911 ND Amanda Schorr, wife of German astronomer Richard Reinhard Emil Schorr [H]
726 Joëlla 1911 NM Feminine form of Joël, for Joel Hastings Metcalf, American Unitarian minister and astronomer [H]
727 Nipponia 1912 NT Japan, where the minor planet was accidentally discovered twice (1900 FE; 1908 CV) by Shin Hirayama [H]
728 Leonisis 1912 NU Leo Gans, president of the Physical Society (on the occasion of his 70th birthday), and the goddess Isis, emblem of the Society [H]
729 Watsonia 1912 OD James Craig Watson, Canadian-American astronomer [H]
730 Athanasia 1912 OK Greek for immortality [H]
731 Sorga 1912 OQ Surga, Indonesian for 'heavens' ([H] has no explanation)
732 Tjilaki 1912 OR Tjilaki, river and village near Malabar, Indonesia [H]
733 Mocia 1912 PF Werner "Mok" Wolf, son of the discoverer [H]
734 Benda 1912 PH Bendl, Czech composer of the opera Lejla [H]
735 Marghanna 1912 PY Margarete Vogt, the discoverer's mother, and Hanna, a relative of his [H]
736 Harvard 1912 PZ Harvard University, USA [H]
737 Arequipa 1912 QB Arequipa, Peru, where Harvard University had an observing station [H]
738 Alagasta 1913 QO Original name of Gau-Algesheim, Germany , the discoverer's family's native city [H]
739 Mandeville 1913 QR Mandeville, Jamaica [H]
740 Cantabia 1913 QS Contraction of Cantabrigia, Latin for Cambridge, named in honour of Cambridge, Massachusetts and its Harvard University [H]
741 Botolphia 1913 QT Saint Botolph, 7th-century founder of the monastery that would become Boston, Lincolnshire, England [H]
742 Edisona 1913 QU Thomas Edison, American inventor [H]
743 Eugenisis 1913 QV Greek for 'good creation' (named for the birth of the discoverer's daughter) ([H] has no explanation)
744 Aguntina 1913 QW Aguntinum, Roman colony in the province of Noricum, near Lienz [H]
745 Mauritia 1913 QX Saint Mauritius, patron saint of a church in Wiesbaden, Germany [H]
746 Marlu 1913 QY Marie-Louise Kaiser, the discoverer's daughter, a physician [H]
747 Winchester 1913 QZ Winchester, Massachusetts, USA, from where the discoverer observed [H]
748 Simeïsa 1913 RD Simeïs Observatory, Crimea, Ukraine, the discovery site [H]
749 Malzovia 1913 RF Nikolai Sergeevich Maltsov, Russian amateur astronomer, founder of Simeïs Observatory [H]
750 Oskar 1913 RG Oskar Ruben von Rothschild, benefactor? ([H] has no explanation)
751 Faïna 1913 RK Faina Mikhajlovna Neujmina, the discoverer's colleague and first wife [H]
752 Sulamitis 1913 RL Sulamith, Biblical woman identified with the Queen of Sheba [H]
753 Tiflis 1913 RM Tbilisi, Georgia, the discoverer's native city [H]
754 Malabar 1906 UT Malabar, Java, Indonesia, commemorating the Dutch-German solar eclipse expedition of 1922 to Christmas Island [H]
755 Quintilla 1908 CZ Feminine Italian first name, chosen because no other planet had a name beginning with Q so far [H]
756 Lilliana 1908 DC Sister of American astronomer Harlow Shapley [H]
757 Portlandia 1908 EJ Portland, Maine, USA, where the discoverer was a church minister at the time of his death [H]
758 Mancunia 1912 PE Latin name of Manchester, UK, the discoverer's native city [H]
759 Vinifera 1913 SJ Vitis vinifera, the wine grape , former means of livelihood of the discoverer's ancestors [H]
760 Massinga 1913 SL Adam Massinger, German astronomer [H]
761 Brendelia 1913 SO Martin Brendel (Otto Rudolph Martin Brendel), German astronomer, director of the International Planet Institute, who chose this minor planet amongst Kaiser's unnamed discoveries for its small orbital inclination [H]
762 Pulcova 1913 SQ Pulkovo Heights, hills near St. Petersburg, site of the oldest Russian observatory, Pulkovo Observatory [H]
763 Cupido 1913 ST Cupid, Roman god, because of the minor planet's relative closeness to the Sun [H]
764 Gedania 1913 SU Gdansk, Poland, at the observatory of which the discoverer was first assistant 1921–1925 [H]
765 Mattiaca 1913 SV Mattiacum, Latin name for Wiesbaden, Germany, the discoverer's home town [H]
766 Moguntia 1913 SW Latin name for Mainz, Germany , at the University of which the discoverer taught [H]
767 Bondia 1913 SX William Cranch Bond and George Phillips Bond, American father and son, astronomers [H]
768 Struveana 1913 SZ Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve, Otto Wilhelm Struve and Hermann Struve, Russo-German astronomers [H]
769 Tatjana 1913 TA A colleague of the discover, or perhaps the heroine of Aleksandr Pushkin's Eugene Onegin [H]
770 Bali 1913 TE Bali, King of the Daityas in the Hindu Puranas [H]
771 Libera 1913 TO A friend of the discoverer (the minor planet was named by his widow) [H]
772 Tanete 1913 TR Tanete, Sulawesi, Indonesia ? ([H] has no explanation)
773 Irmintraud 1913 TV Feminine German first name, common in old myths and legends [H]
774 Armor 1913 TW Armorica, Celtic name for Northwest France (Brittany and Normandy) [H]
775 Lumière 1914 TX Auguste and Louis Lumière, French cinematic pioneers [H]
776 Berbericia 1914 TY Adolf Berberich, German astronomer [H]
777 Gutemberga 1914 TZ Johann Gensfleisch (Gutenberg), printing pioneer [H]
778 Theobalda 1914 UA Theobald Kaiser, the discoverer's father [H]
779 Nina 1914 UB Nina Nikolaevna Neujmina, mathematician, the discoverer's sister ([H] simply says « feminine Russian first name  »)
780 Armenia 1914 UC Armenia [H]
781 Kartvelia 1914 UF Kartveli, Georgian name for the Georgian people [H]
782 Montefiore 1914 UK Arthur Montefiore, secretary of Jackson's Arctic Expedition (1894–1898) [H]
783 Nora 1914 UL Heroine of Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House [H]
784 Pickeringia 1914 UM Edward Charles Pickering and William Henry Pickering, American astronomer brothers [H]
785 Zwetana 1914 UN Tsvetana Popova, daughter of K. Popov (also Popoff or Pophoff) of Sofia, Bulgaria [H]
786 Bredichina 1914 UO Fedor Aleksandrovich Bredikhin, Russian astronomer [H]
787 Moskva 1914 UQ Moscow, Russia [H]
788 Hohensteina 1914 UR Hohenstein, near Bad Schwalbach in the Rhine province in Germany, hometown of the wife of the discoverer ; her family name (Breder or Broeder) derives from the castle's Order of Knighthood, "Breder von Hohenstein" [H]
789 Lena 1914 UU Elena Petrovna Neujmina, mother of the discoverer ([H] simply says « feminine Russian first name, diminutive of Helen »)
790 Pretoria 1912 NW Pretoria, South Africa [H]
791 Ani 1914 UV Ani, ruined city in Armenia [H]
792 Metcalfia 1907 ZC Joel Hastings Metcalf, American Unitarian minister and astronomer [H]
793 Arizona 1907 ZD Arizona, USA, location of Lowell Observatory [H]
794 Irenaea 1914 VB Irene, daughter of astronomer Edmund Weiss ([H] has no explanation)
795 Fini 1914 VE Diminutive of Josephine, feminine German/Austrian first name [H]
796 Sarita 1914 VH  ? ([H] has no explanation)
797 Montana 1914 VR From mons, the Latin for mountain, in honour of Hamburg Observatory, located at Bergedorf, in Germany; this was the first minor planet discovered there [H]
798 Ruth 1914 VT Ruth, Biblical heroine in the Old Testament [H]
799 Gudula 1915 WO German feminine first name, from the calendar Lahrer Hinkender Bote for January 9 [H]
800 Kressmannia 1915 WP A. Kressman, benefactor of Heidelberg Observatory (Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl) [H]
801 Helwerthia 1915 WQ Elise Helwerth-Wolf, the discoverer's mother [H]
802 Epyaxa 1915 WR Wife of Syennesis, King of Cilicia [1]. ([H] has no explanation)
803 Picka 1915 WS Friedrich Pick, Czech physician [H]
804 Hispania 1915 WT Latin name for Spain, whence this is the first minor planet discovery [H]
805 Hormuthia 1915 WW Hormuth Kopff, wife of German astronomer August Kopff [H]
806 Gyldenia 1915 WX Hugo Gyldén, Swedish astronomer [H]
807 Ceraskia 1915 WY Vitol'd Karlovich Tseraskii, Russian astronomer [H]
808 Merxia 1901 GY Adalbert Merx, the discoverer's father-in-law [H]
809 Lundia 1915 XP Lund Observatory, Lund, Sweden [H]
810 Atossa 1915 XQ Atossa, ancient Persian queen, daughter of Cyrus, wife of Darius [H]
811 Nauheima 1915 XR Bad Nauheim, Germany [H]
812 Adele 1915 XV Sister of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer [H]
813 Baumeia 1915 YR H. Baum, astronomy student killed in World War I [H]
814 Tauris 1916 YT Tauris, ancient name of Crimea, Ukraine ([H] says « Tauric Mount », but there is no such mountain)
815 Coppelia 1916 YU Coppélia, ballet by Léo Delibes [H]
816 Juliana 1916 YV Queen Juliana of the Netherlands[2]
817 Annika 1916 YW  ? ([H] has no explanation)
818 Kapteynia 1916 YZ Jacobus Kapteyn, Dutch astronomer [H]
819 Barnardiana 1916 ZA Edward Emerson Barnard, American astronomer [H]
820 Adriana 1916 ZB  ? ([H] has no explanation)
821 Fanny 1916 ZC  ? ([H] has no explanation)
822 Lalage 1916 ZD  ? ([H] has no explanation)
823 Sisigambis 1916 ZG Sisygambis, mother of Darius III of Persia [H]
824 Anastasia 1916 ZH Anastasia Semenoff, an acquaintance of the discoverer ([H] says « one of the White Russian princesses whose entire family was slaughtered in the Revolution of 1918 »)
825 Tanina 1916 ZL Tanina, one of the White Russian princesses whose family were slaughtered during the 1918 revolution [H]
826 Henrika 1916 ZO  ? ([H] has no explanation)
827 Wolfiana 1916 ZW Max Wolf, German astronomer [H]
828 Lindemannia 1916 ZX Adolph Friedrich Lindemann, German-born British amateur astronomer, inventor of the electrometer [H]
829 Academia 1916 ZY The Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, on the occasion of its 200th anniversary [H]
830 Petropolitana 1916 ZZ Saint Petersburg, Russia ("Petropolis" in Latin) [H]
831 Stateira 1916 AA Stateira, wife of Artaxerxes II of Persia [H]
832 Karin 1916 AB Karin Månsdotter, wife of Eric XIV of Sweden [H]
833 Monica 1916 AC  ? ([H] has no explanation)
834 Burnhamia 1916 AD Sherburne Wesley Burnham, American astronomer [H]
835 Olivia 1916 AE  ? ([H] says « from the history of the Roman emperors », but there is no notable "Olivia" therein)
836 Jole 1916 AF Iole, wife of Heracles in Greek mythology ([H] has no explanation)
837 Schwarzschilda 1916 AG Karl Schwarzschild, German astronomer [H]
838 Seraphina 1916 AH  ? ([H] has no explanation)
839 Valborg 1916 AJ Valborg, heroine of Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger's play Axel e Valborg [H]
840 Zenobia 1916 AK Zenobia, Slavic goddess of hunting [H] (No such goddess is known, and the name Zenobia is not Slavic in form. There were several Classical Zenobias, however, most notably Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra.)
841 Arabella 1916 AL Arabella, opera by Richard Strauss [H]
842 Kerstin 1916 AM German feminine first name [H]
843 Nicolaia 1916 AN Thorvald Nicolai Thiele, Danish astronomer, actuary and mathematician, father of the discoverer, Holger Thiele [H]
844 Leontina 1916 AP Lienz, Austria, birthplace of the discoverer (named by his widow) [H]
845 Naëma 1916 AS  ? ([H] says « perhaps from the Old Testament »)
846 Lipperta 1916 AT Eduard Lippert, German businessman and philanthropist, benefactor of Hamburg Observatory [H]
847 Agnia 1915 XX Agnia Ivanovna Bad'ina, Russian physician ([H] says « Feminine Russian first name »)
848 Inna 1915 XS Inna Nikolaevna Leman-Balanovskaya, Russian astronomer [H]
849 Ara 1912 NY American Relief Administration (ARA), in appreciation of the help it gave during the Russian famine of 1922–1923 [H]
850 Altona 1916 S24 Altona, Germany, location of the observatory at which H. C. Schumacher began publication of the astronomical journal Astronomische Nachrichten in 1821 [H]
851 Zeissia 1916 S26 Zeiss Optical Works [H]
852 Wladilena 1916 S27 Wladimir Ulyanoff-Lenin, Soviet leader [H]
853 Nansenia 1916 S28 Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian polar explorer [H]
854 Frostia 1916 S29 Edwin Brant Frost, American astronomer [H]
855 Newcombia 1916 ZP Simon Newcomb, American astronomer [H]
856 Backlunda 1916 S30 Johan Oskar Backlund (Oscar Andreevich Backlund), Swedish-Russian astronomer [H]
857 Glasenappia 1916 S33 Sergei Pavlovich Glasenapp, Russian astronomer [H]
858 El Djezaïr 1916 a Arabian name of Algiers, Algeria (meaning "the islands") [H]
859 Bouzaréah 1916 c Bouzaréah, Algiers, site of Algiers Observatory [H]
860 Ursina 1917 BD  ? ([H] has no explanation)
861 Aïda 1917 BE Aïda, opera by the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi [H]
862 Franzia 1917 BF Franz Wolf, the discoverer's son [H]
863 Benkoela 1917 BH Benkoelen, Sumatra (?) ([H] is also uncertain)
864 Aase A921 SB Character in Henrik Ibsen's play Peer Gynt
865 Zubaida 1917 BO Character in Carl Maria von Weber's opera Abu Hassan [H]
866 Fatme 1917 BQ Character in Carl Maria von Weber's opera Abu Hassan [H]
867 Kovacia 1917 BS Friedrich Kovacs, physician who treated the discoverer's wife [H]
868 Lova 1917 BU  ? ([H] has no explanation)
869 Mellena 1917 BV Werner von Melle, mayor of Hamburg who promoted the establishment of the University of Hamburg [H]
870 Manto 1917 BX Manto, mythological Greek soothsayer, erector of Apollo's oracle in Claros [H]
871 Amneris 1917 BY Amneris, character in Verdi's opera Aida [H]
872 Holda 1917 BZ Edward Singleton Holden, American astronomer ([H] has no explanation)
873 Mechthild 1917 CA Mechthild of Magdeburg, 13th-century German mystic [H]
874 Rotraut 1917 CC Feminine German first name [H]
875 Nymphe 1917 CF The Nymphs, Greek mythological figures [H]
876 Scott 1917 CH Robert Falcon Scott, English polar explorer [H]
877 Walküre 1915 S7 The Valkyries, mythological German warrior women ([H] has no explanation)
878 Mildred 1916 f Mildred, daughter of American astronomer Harlow Shapley [H]
879 Ricarda 1917 CJ Ricarda Huch, German poet [H]
880 Herba 1917 CK Herba, Greek god of misery and poverty [H]
881 Athene 1917 CL Athena, Greek goddess, also known as Minerva [H]
882 Swetlana 1917 CM  ? ([H] has no explanation)
883 Matterania 1917 CP August Matter, maker of photographic plates for the discoverer, German astronomer Max Wolf [H]
884 Priamus 1917 CQ Priam, Trojan king [H]
885 Ulrike 1917 CX Ulrike (Ulrica), character in Verdi's opera Un ballo in maschera (A Masked Ball) [H]
886 Washingtonia 1917 b George Washington, American president [H]
887 Alinda 1918 DB Alinda (Caria), ancient city in Asia Minor (?) ([H] has no explanation)
888 Parysatis 1918 DC Parysatis, wife of Darius II of Persia [H]
889 Erynia 1918 DG The Erinyes, or Furies, Greek mythological creatures [H]
890 Waltraut 1918 DK Character in Richard Wagner's opera Götterdämmerung [H]
891 Gunhild 1918 DQ Feminine German first name [H]
892 Seeligeria 1918 DR Hugo Hans Ritter von Seeliger, Austrian-German astronomer [H]
893 Leopoldina 1918 DS The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina [H]
894 Erda 1918 DT Erda, Norse goddess [H]
895 Helio 1918 DU Helium, whose spectrum Paschen and Runge investigated together (Paschen named it at Wolf's request) [H]
896 Sphinx 1918 DV The Sphinx, Greek mythological monster [H]
897 Lysistrata 1918 DZ Lysistrata, Aristophanes' anti-war comedy [H]
898 Hildegard 1918 EA Saint Hildegard of Bingen [H]
899 Jokaste 1918 EB Jocasta, mother/wife of Oedipus [H]
900 Rosalinde 1918 EC Character in Johann Strauss' opera Die Fledermaus [H]
901 Brunsia 1918 EE Ernst Heinrich Bruns, German astronomer [H]
902 Probitas 1918 EJ Probity, a quality attributed to the late discoverer [H]
903 Nealley 1918 EM Amateur astronomer from New York [H]
904 Rockefellia 1918 EO John D. Rockefeller, American philanthropist [H]
905 Universitas 1918 ES University of Hamburg, Germany [H]
906 Repsolda 1918 ET Johann Georg Repsold, optical manufacturer [H]
907 Rhoda 1918 EU Wife of American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard [H]
908 Buda 1918 EX Buda, Hungary, part of Budapest [H]
909 Ulla 1919 FA Ulla Ahrens, daughter of a friend of the discoverer [H]
910 Anneliese 1919 FB Friend of German astronomer Julius Dick [H]
911 Agamemnon 1919 FD Agamemnon, Greek king [H]
912 Maritima 1919 FJ The annual end-of-term three to four day ocean liner trips on the North Sea organised by the University of Hamburg [H]
913 Otila 1919 FL Saint Otila, whose feast day is February 26 [H]
914 Palisana 1919 FN Johann Palisa, Austrian astronomer [H]
915 Cosette 1918 b Youngest daughter of the discoverer [H]
916 America 1915 S1 America, for the help rendered by the American Relief Administration (under Herbert C. Hoover) during the famine in Crimea [H]
917 Lyka 1915 S4 A friend of the discoverer's sister, or [H]: a character in Henryk Sienkiewicz's novel Quo Vadis
918 Itha 1919 FR Saint Itha, whose feast day is January 15 [H]
919 Ilsebill 1918 EQ Character in 'The Fisherman and his Wife' by the Brothers Grimm [H]
920 Rogeria 1919 FT Female first name (not named after a specific person)
921 Jovita 1919 FV Saint Jovita, whose feast day is February 15 [H]
922 Schlutia 1919 FW German businessman Edgar Schlubach and Henry Frederic Tiarks, FRAS, British banker and amateur astronomer, who together financed the solar eclipse expedition of 1922 to Java [H]
923 Herluga 1919 GB Saint Herluga, whose feast day is March 2 [H]
924 Toni 1919 GC Female first name (not named after a specific person)
925 Alphonsina 1920 GM Alfonso X of Castile and Alfonso XIII of Spain [H]
926 Imhilde 1920 GN Saint Imhilde, whose feast day is May 15 [H]
927 Ratisbona 1920 GO Latin name of Regensburg, Germany [H]
928 Hildrun 1920 GP Saint Hildrun, whose feast day is May 19 [H]
929 Algunde 1920 GR Saint Algunde (Adelgunde), whose feast day is January 30 [H]
930 Westphalia 1920 GS Westphalia, Germany, birthplace of the discoverer [H]
931 Whittemora 1920 GU Thomas Edward Whittemore, American physicist [H]
932 Hooveria 1920 GV Herbert C. Hoover, American president, then secretary of state, in recognition of his help to Austria after World War I [H]
933 Susi 1927 CH Wife of German astronomer Kasimir Graff [H]
934 Thüringia 1920 HK The Thüringia, an Atlantic liner on which German astronomer Walter Baade travelled on his visits to New York; the captain was an amateur astronomer, and was invited to name one of Baade's asteroids [H]
935 Clivia 1920 HM Clivia, genus of flowering plant [H]
936 Kunigunde 1920 HN Saint Kunigunde (Cunigunde of Luxemburg), whose feast day is March 3 [H]
937 Bethgea 1920 HO Hans Bethge, German poet [H]
938 Chlosinde 1920 HQ Saint Chlosinde, whose feast day is June 21 [H]
939 Isberga 1920 HR Saint Isberga, whose feast day is January 24 [H]
940 Kordula 1920 HT Saint Cordula, whose feast day is October 22 [H]
941 Murray 1920 HV Gilbert Murray, British classical scholar and diplomat who helped Austria in 1920 through the League of Nations [H]
942 Romilda 1920 HW Saint Romilda, whose feast day is March 25 [H]
943 Begonia 1920 HX Begonia, genus of herbs and flowers [H]
944 Hidalgo 1920 HZ Miguel Hidalgo, father of the independence of Mexico, where German astronomers went in 1923 to observe a solar eclipse [H]
945 Barcelona 1921 JB Barcelona, Spain, where the discoverer was born and the asteroid discovered [H]
946 Poësia 1921 JC Poësia, goddess of poetry [H]
947 Monterosa 1921 JD The Monterosa, a ship used by the University of Hamburg on their outings on the North Sea [H]
948 Jucunda 1921 JE Saint Jucunda of Nicomedia, from a collection of lives of Saints (feast day November 25) [H]
949 Hel 1921 JK Hel, Norse goddess
950 Ahrensa 1921 JP The Ahrens family, friends of the discoverer [H]
951 Gaspra 1916 S45 Gaspra, Ukraine [H]
952 Caia 1916 S61 Character in Henryk Sienkiewicz's novel Quo Vadis [H]
953 Painleva 1921 JT Paul Painlevé, French mathematician [H]
954 Li 1921 JU Lina Alstede Reinmuth, the discoverer's wife [H]
955 Alstede 1921 JV Lina Alstede Reinmuth, the discoverer's wife [H]
956 Elisa 1921 JW Elisa Reinmuth, the discoverer's mother [H]
957 Camelia 1921 JX Camellia, genus of flowering plants [H]
958 Asplinda 1921 KC Bror Ansgar Asplind, Swedish astronomer [H]
959 Arne 1921 KF Son of Swedish astronomer Bror Ansgar Asplind [H]
960 Birgit 1921 KH Daughter of Swedish astronomer Bror Ansgar Asplind
961 Gunnie 1921 KM Daughter of Swedish astronomer Bror Ansgar Asplind
962 Aslög 1921 KP Aslög, mythological Norse woman [H]
963 Iduberga 1921 KR Saint Iduberga (Saint Ida of Nivelles), whose feast day is June 28 [H]
964 Subamara 1921 KS Latin for 'very bitter' (referring to the observing conditions at the Vienna Observatory)
965 Angelica 1921 KT Angelica Hartmann, the discoverer's wife [H]
966 Muschi 1921 KU Nickname ("Kitty") of the wife of German astronomer Walter Baade, the discoverer [H]
967 Helionape 1921 KV Greek version of the name of Adolf Ritter von Sonnenthal, an Austrian actor [H]
968 Petunia 1921 KW Petunia, a genus of flowering plants [H]
969 Leocadia 1921 KZ Feminine Russian first name [H]
970 Primula 1921 LB The Primula genus of flowers (primroses) [H]
971 Alsatia 1921 LF Alsace, France; the discoverer first named it "Alsace", but the Rechen Institut changed that to "Alsatia" [H]
972 Cohnia 1922 LK Fritz Cohn, German astronomer [H]
973 Aralia 1922 LR Aralia, genus of ivy-like plant [H]
974 Lioba 1922 LS Saint Lioba (Lioba von Tauberbischofsheim), whose feast day is December 21 [H]
975 Perseverantia 1922 LT Perseverance, a quality posthumously attributed to the discoverer, Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa [H]
976 Benjamina 1922 LU The discoverer's son [H]
977 Philippa 1922 LV Baron Philippe de Rothschild, French financier [H]
978 Aidamina 1922 LY Aida Minaievna, a friend of the discoverer's family [H]
979 Ilsewa 1922 MC Ilse Waldorf, an acquaintance of the discoverer [H]
980 Anacostia 1921 W19 Anacostia, Washington, DC, and the nearby Anacostia River [H]
981 Martina 1917 S92 Henri Martin, French revolutionary [H]
982 Franklina 1922 MD John Franklin Adams, British astronomer and stellar cartographer [H]
983 Gunila 1922 ME Saint Gunila, whose feast day is November 9 [H]
984 Gretia 1922 MH Sister-in-law of German astronomer Albrecht Kahrstedt [H]
985 Rosina 1922 MO Saint Rosina, whose feast day is July 19 [H]
986 Amelia 1922 MQ The discoverer's wife [H]
987 Wallia 1922 MR Saint Wallia, whose feast day is October 13 [H]
988 Appella 1922 MT Paul Émile Appell, French astronomer [H]
989 Schwassmannia 1922 MW Arnold Schwassmann, German astronomer [H]
990 Yerkes 1922 MZ Yerkes Observatory, where the asteroid was discovered [H]
991 McDonalda 1922 NB McDonald Observatory, Texas, originally endowed by the Texas banker William Johnson McDonald [H]
992 Swasey 1922 ND Ambrose Swasey, American benefactor, co-founder, with Worcester Reed Warner of the Warner & Swasey Company which manufactured astronomical telescopes and precision instruments, including the McDonald Observatory 82-inch reflector telescope. They gifted their own observatory to Case Western University and it took the name Warner and Swasey Observatory. [H]
993 Moultona 1923 NJ Forest Ray Moulton, American astronomer and mathematician [H]
994 Otthild 1923 NL Saint Otthild, whose feast day is July 2 [H]
995 Sternberga 1923 NP Pavel Karlovich Shternberg, Russian astronomer [H]
996 Hilaritas 1923 NM Contentedness, a quality posthumously attributed to the discoverer, Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa [H]
997 Priska 1923 NR Saint Priska (Saint Priscilla), whose feast days is January 18 [H]
998 Bodea 1923 NU Johann Elert Bode, German astronomer [H]
999 Zachia 1923 NW Franz Xaver, Baron von Zach, German astronomer [H]
1000 Piazzia 1923 NZ Giuseppe Piazzi, Italian astronomer [H]
Preceded by
Meanings of minor planet names
List of minor planets: 1–1000
Succeeded by


  1. ^ Lutz D. Schmadel, Dictionary of Minor Planet Names: Fifth Revised and Enlarged Edition.
  2. ^ Lutz D. Schmadel, Dictionary of Minor Planet Names: Addendum to Fifth Edition: 2006 - 2008.

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