Matthias de l'Obel

Matthias de l'Obel
Matthias de Lobel

Mathias de l'Obel, Mathias de Lobel or Matthaeus Lobelius (1538 – 3 March 1616) was born in Lille, Nord-Pas de Calais, France, and died at Highgate, London, England after serving as a physician to William, Prince of Orange and James I of England.

Lobel studied medicine in Leuven and Montpellier. He became physician to William the Silent, Prince of Orange, before moving to England and becoming James I's physician and botanist.

The plant genus Lobelia and the botanical family Lobeliaceae are named after him.

He is credited with the first attempt to classify plants according to their natural affinities, rather than their medical uses.

He spent his final years supervising the gardens of Edward la Zouche, 11th Baron Zouche.


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  • Matthias Lobelius — Taxus aus Icones Stirpium 1591. Matthias de L’Obel, auch Lobelius (* 1538 in Lille, damals im Herzogtum Burgund, jetzt Frankreich; † 3. März 1616 in Highgate bei London) war ein flämischer Botaniker. Sein offizielles botani …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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