- Masters of the Sea
Masters of the Sea was a 1994 television drama series produced by the Television Corporation of Singapore (TCS), the predecessor of Mediacorp. It was the first full-length English drama series to be produced in Singapore.[1] The series starred Wong Li-Lin[2], Ng Chin Han,[3] and Aziz Mustajab.[4]
Masters of the Sea was derided by some as "fairly disastrous"[5] and lasted only two seasons, with the second season titled Masters of the Sea: In Troubled Waters.[4] One of the criticisms was that it portrayed an elderly Peranakan woman wearing the wrong costumes and ornaments, and speaking the wrong phrases.[6] However, it was syndicated to Indonesian television, where it was shown localised into Indonesian.[1]
- ^ a b "TV ENTERTAINMENT IN SINGAPORE" (PDF). http://dr.ntu.edu.sg/bitstream/10220/2606/1/AMIC_1998_SEP2-4_14.pdf. Retrieved 2008-11-22. "The first full English Drama series was MASTERS OF THE SEA which was also shown in Indonesia, albeit redubbed in Bahasa Indonesia..."
- ^ Michelle Tay (February 18 2008). "Leap of love". The Straits Times. http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_207544.html. Retrieved 2008-11-22. "She made her television debut in 1994... as a dewy-eyed veterinarian in TCS' soap serial Masters Of The Sea."[dead link]
- ^ "IWC Portuguese Watch Graces Dark Night Premiere In New York". ViaLuxe. July 23 2008. http://www.vialuxe.com/News/luxury-watches-IWC-Portuguese-Watch-Graces-Dark-Night-Premiere-In-New-York/1,29090. Retrieved 2008-11-22. "The actor was first introduced to Singapore audiences in 1994, when he appeared in the English-language television drama "Masters of the Sea"."[dead link]
- ^ a b "Oh Man!" (DOC). http://www.necessary.org/MainSeason/docs/OhManPressRelease.doc. Retrieved 2008-11-22. "He was also in TCS’s first drama series Masters of the Sea and its second season Masters of the Sea: Troubled Waters..."[dead link]
- ^ Richard Lim (December 8 1996). "Lilin puts grit into 'soft power' of TV's new genre". The Straits Times. http://www.limrichard.com/arc1984-1996/arch_c3-081296.htm. Retrieved 2008-11-22.
- ^ "THE PERANAKAN ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER". November 1994. http://www.peranakan.org.sg/Resources/1994Nov.pdf. Retrieved 2008-11-22. "It is quite apparent that one of the aspects of this television production is its disregard for authenticity in Peranakan costume and language."[dead link]
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