Massacres in Erzurum (1895)

Massacres in Erzurum (1895)
Over 60,000 Armenians have been butchered. In Trebizond, Erzurum, Yerznka, Hasankale and numberless other places the Christians were crushed like grapes during the vintage.

An eyewitness to the Contemporary Review (January 1896), Robert Anderson, The Silence of God, p. 3

Aftermath of the massacres at Erzurum

The massacres of Erzurum of 30 October 1895 were a part of the Hamidian massacres of the Armenians in the city of Erzurum, and among the earliest acts of the Armenian Genocide.[1][2] The attack was begun by some Ottoman soldiers, and joined by the local Muslim population. The shops and houses of the Armenians were also pillaged.[3] Following the massacres, a British consul came into two letters sent by an Ottoman soldier to his brother and to his parents:

My brother, if you want news from here, we killed 1,200 Armenians. . . Mother, I am healthy. . . Father, twenty days ago we carried out the war against the Armenian unbelievers. By the grace of God, no misfortune arrived to us. The rumour says that our battalion will be dispatched to your part of the world. If it is the case, we will kill all the Armenians there. 511 Armenians were wounded, and one or two more perish each day. If you want news of the soldiers and bachi bouzouks: there was not even one nosebleed. . . God bless you![4]


  1. ^ Erzerum, The Nuttall Encyclopædia,
  2. ^ The Parliamentary Debates - Page 39 by Great Britain Parliament, Great Britain [date missing]
  3. ^ MASSACRE OF CHRISTIANS. - Washington Post (1877-1954) - Washington, D.C.[page needed][date missing]
  4. ^ "The Graphic", 07.12.1895, Massacres of Erzeroum of October 30, 1895[page needed]

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