Marw, Jordan

Marw, Jordan

The village of Murrow is one of the main villages in Irbid and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Murrow, a Jordanian village is located to the north-east of the city of Irbid, about 7 km to the east of the village of Beit Ras.

And live by today is around 4500 people. The advantage of her family generosity and hospitality they had good relations with inhabitants of nearby villages, and supports the people of quartz in their economy on agriculture and a number of other works in government jobs and private security forces and the armed forces. And where there is the proportion of learners and graduates of science.



Had found traces back to the civilizations and Aladomip Gsasnp and Arab groups, and found the Aydaathar Roman and Islamic. In Sdralasalam able leader of the Islamic Sharhabil bin good of the annexation of the villages Horan year 13 AH 634 AD and the Battle of Yarmouk took place in that period where he was able Khalid ibn al-Walid in the battle to overcome the Romans in 636 AD 15 AH, ending Roman presence there. In the reign of the Mamelukes and the Ottomans were under the jurisdiction of the Levant / Brigade Ajloun / Cypress area, and currently tracking to the banner rod Irbid.

Political life

Village residents enjoy a sense of national well than most of them participate in political activities and some of them belong to different Czb. Parliamentary elections: including a former deputy in the parliament dear kamel el omari.

Politics and elections:

There are tribal alliances, such as cluster cooperation (including the families gathered: omari and abuqamar andelkaraki), before joining the village to the Greater Irbid Municipality, there were the village council, the mayoral succession since 1997 Aaltasis Mildi of:

Muhammad Saad al-Nu'man

Mohamed Ahmed Abu Qamar

Faisal still Karaki

Gazi Abdullah bawaanh


Word Murrow mean white stones, and as part of the Sahel Horan, the nature Alajafravep of the village of Murrow is characterized by plains flat with a Mediterranean climate suitable for cultivation and field cultivation of grain, however, the old town was built on the hill in the center town, where they concentrated most of the population was informed of this plateau, plains and agricultural all Even those almost look like an island amid a sea of trees. Location and is bordered to the west village and the village of Beit Ras Harima and from the south and east village provision changer village and village tree either from the north village Vthdha Aal, either amount to an area of 9000 dunums

Families in the village

Maintain the village of Murrow like other villages on the Jordanian Jordanian People's authentic traditions transmitted from generation to generation, The social life of the wedding (marriage and the holidays ...) and Alatterah (deaths ..) with a combination of the population of the various tribes of Jordan authentic, which is :

1- Abu Qamar family(al qhemor):

Belong to Prince Dahir bin Omar El-Zeidni (Governor of the mountains of Ajloun and was based in the town of Tubnah and aka'a), which belongs to the famil zaidani (from the supervision of the Hijaz), which ruled the north of Jordan, and Horan in 1765, led by Amir famous apparent life to serving the Ottoman viceroy Ahmed Pasha Aldzreetly Hmagm.

abu qamar grandfather (AbdulQader Ahmed bin Khalaf Abu Qmar) was submitted to the Murow 1917 After that they were in the villages of Umm Qais, Sama and before its adoption in the village.


Their relatives and they are: El-Siahin family in the village of Umm Qais And El-raqqad family in the city of Sahab, Zeidnah family in the city of Mafraq ,el-tall family in Irbid

Patrons and contemporaries:

Pasha, Major General Talal Abu Qmar (the banner pilot / assistant commander of His Highness the Royal Jordanian Air Force)

Fahd Abu qamar(one of the oldest agricultural engineers in the Kingdom)

Farouk AbouQmr (corner of Dean and the first army officer in Marw)

Mohamed Abdallah (Judge of Appeal and the first judge in the village).

2- Omari family(el na'man):

Due to this clan associating the second Caliph and companion of Galilee Umar ibn al-Khattab. Naman family is the oldest tribes that inhabited the town of Marw, where rounded to in the tenth century AH (the sixth century AD). Sheikh Isa bin Numan first to arrive as an administrator for the Ad Hoc stay in town to spend on a school in the Ottoman Empire. The Tkabba devout and after his death built him a place known in the village. Numan is divided at present into three subfractions are Ahmad and Abdallat and Jeraonp. omari family in maw also contains elmasdi , elzkot familys...Came to the village in 1930 of Samar and Deryousef

Patrons and contemporaries:

Retired Brigadier General Mohammad Amin El-Zkotai - Royal Air Force

Yassin Nouri Dean family Numaniya Abdullah Nawaf (cleric and was the first teacher in MRO)

Mohammed Saleh Al-Hazeem (good social and former teacher)

Hisham elfoaz (retired Dean of the corner)

kamel omari Cleric, Sheikh, parliamentarian

Kassem and Mohammed Ibrahim Ztam

Dr. Abdul Rahman Almsadi (the first doctor from the village of Murrow in 1966)

3- Al karaki family:

Converge in the descent with a group of clans of Karak they belong to the same tribal alliance (the sons of Ghassanids). Grandfather Othman Ahmed Karaki After the arrival of Osman Murrow work to be closer to family Numan, Numan Sheikh Ahmed married his sister to give birth to him and Nasser and Mansour.

The work of Osman and his sons Ahmed and still hard and activity until Tmknu to buy some land and Walker. They enjoy good relations with all the families especially with the quartz family and the family of eln'man , Abu qamr.

Patrons and contemporaries:

sheikh Al-Ahmad Al-Othman Haj Hassan Karaki

Professor Ghazi still crane (the first university in Dr. Murrow)

4-Albwaanh family:

Belong to the village of Baon / Ajloun.

Albaoni gift grandfather came to Murrow in 1915 from the village of Al'al


Have relatives in Ajloun and cousins in Aal.

Patrons and contemporaries: Alouhih Social Jazzy Albaoni

Ghazi Abdallah (supervisor and author)

Adnan Trad (engineer / manager Works earlier).


Murrow also contains a group of families, which is a penalty "of the social fabric, such as:

-Abu Abbas family - grandfather ali elokla

- Dar Kiwan -grandfather, Rashid Abu Ali

- Dar abu abu nuseer(El makahila) have relatives in the village of Kafr El-jays

- Dar alamzari ( el jarah)

- Dar Yasin Salti

- Dar wabran (el zoubi)

Coordinates: 32°37′N 35°53′E / 32.617°N 35.883°E / 32.617; 35.883

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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