Markus Pommer

Markus Pommer

Markus Pommer (born January 27, 1991 in Heilbronn) is a German racing driver.



Pommer began his racing career in karting 1999.[1] He remained in karting until 2006. Amongst others he won 2004 the Southern German ADAC Kart Cup - ICA Junior. 2007 he began his formula racing career. He competed in the Formula BMW ADAC for Mücke Motorsport. He concluded the season behind his teammates Philipp Eng and Kevin Mirocha on the tenth position in the championship. After the fusion of the Formula BMW ADAC and the Formula BMW UK to the Formula BMW Europe, Pommer switched to Abt Sportsline in the ADAC Formel Masters 2008. Pommer won one race and finished five times on the podium. He finished the season in front of his teammate Daniel Abt on the fifth position in the championship.

In 2009 Pommer started in the German Formula Three Championship for Zettl Sportsline Motorsport. He won no races and scored two second place as his best results. He concluded the season behind Laurens Vanthoor and Stef Dusseldorp on the third position. Pommer was the best driver with an engine of Mercedes. In 2010 he remained in the German Formula Three Championship. He drove for Brandl Motorsport in this season. With a second place as his best result, he remains without a race win. He was on the eights position in the championship and became the best driver with a Mercedes engine for the second time. In 2011 he competes his third season in the German Formula Three Championship. He started for Motopark Academy first.[2] After he had scored only one point out of the first three rounds, he switched to Jo Zeller Racing. In his second race he already achieved the first podium position with a second place. [3] After the forth round he is on the tenth position in the championship.

Career summary


  1. ^ Erfolge (; Retrieved 25 November 2010)[dead link]
  2. ^ Formel 3 Cup - Motopark Academy Team komplett ( on 15 April 2011)
  3. ^ ATS Formel 3 Cup: Teamwechsel bringt Markus Pommer zurück in die Erfolgsspur ( on 7 June 2011)

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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