Mario Gosalvez

Mario Gosalvez
Mario Gosalvez, Spring 2011

Dr. Mario Gosalvez (born September 11, 1940 in Madrid, Spain) is a Spanish doctor who was head of Experimental Biochemistry at the Puerta de Hierro Clinic [1] from 1970 to 2010 whose main research interests focused there on cancer reversal and mitochondria.



Gosalvez completed his undergraduate (1963) and Doctoral studies (1968) in Medicine and Surgery at the Complutense University of Madrid. His postgraduate studies saw him working with influential figures in both Europe and the U.S. In Europe he was a Visiting Professor in Anticancer Chemotherapy under Georges Mathé in Paris (1964), in Cellular Microscopic Spectroscopy under Bo Thorell [2] at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm (1967) and in Sodium and Potassium dependent membrane-related Adenosine Triphosphate and Ion Transport under Jens Christian Skou at Aarhus University in Denmark (1976).

Gosalvez also spent time in the U.S. in order to work with Britton Chance at the University of Pennsylvania as Postdoctoral and Associate in Microfluorometry and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics (1968–1969) [3] [4] and with Sidney Weinhouse at Temple University as Research Associate in Enzimology of Glycolisis (1969-1970) [5] [6].

Teaching Experience

In the Complutense University of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Madrid, Dr. Gosalvez imparted classes in Biochemistry and Biophysics from Assistant Professor to Full Professor level. He also lectured in Biostatistics and Quantum Physics to physicians and in Molecular Biology and Molecular Physiology and Pathology to students of doctorates in Biochemistry (1964-1994).

Clinical Experience

In conjunction with his teaching and investigation work, Dr. Gosalvez was a Resident Intern and Team Leader in the Department of Internal Medicine and Chemotherapy at the National Oncology Institute Madrid ( 1964-1969). Subsequently, he collaborated in clinical trials on cancer therapeutic agents especially on some of his own developments.[7] [8]

Main Distinctions

He was a Foreign Corresponding Member (1976) and is a Member Emeritus (1998) of the American Association for Cancer Research.He was Vice President of the Spanish Cancer Research Association for its first International Congress (1992). He received two times (1977 & 1979) the National Biochemical prize, awarded by the Spanish Social Security System. Funding for the research behind these awards was received from the US National Cancer Institute.

Main Contributions

Dr. Gosalvez's group's contributions have improved above all the understanding of cancer [9] [10] [11] [12] and mitochondria. [13] He has recently proposed a new molecular target for experimental cancer therapy. [14]. He was a founding member of the European Organization for Cancer Research (1964) and is considered among the pioneers on femtomolar biochemistry and pharmacology for his theoretical proposition on "The zipper mechanism for membrane ion transport and the cell and intercelullar integration systems". [15] Dr.Gosalvez, with scarce experimental resources at his disposal, brought to the forefront for members of the scientifc community interested in experimental cancer therapy the new technique for Cancer Reversal by Dual Strategy. He has interacted personally with scientific and non-scientific major world figures to duly inform on matters of public interest (1970-2011).

Main Biographical Data

Dr. Gosalvez has been married to Mariflor Blanco since October 1964. They have three children, Mario, David and Elena and six grandchildren. He is Catholic, but non-practicing by episcopal authorization (1981) due to his embracement of the ecclesial ecumenical movement. In politics, he advocates centrism, in its widest sense. In his consulting role he generally strives to form coalitions based on a common sense approach.


  1. ^ Davila, C. (1975, February 6). New roads in Cancer research. ABC Newspaper, p. 93 and 95. Retrieved at
  2. ^ “Production of giant cells in vitro with Demecolchicine”; Gosalvez, M; Yataganas, X; Thorell, B; Revista Española de Oncología; 1970; Fasc 2; 2-16 Retrieved at;jsessionid=689BD9B0BD74772045CFDAD755D38A1C?id=4390&bd=IME&tabla=docu
  3. ^ “Regional variation in the oxygenation of mouse mammary tumours in vivo demonstrated by fluorescence of pyridine nucleotide;” Gosalvez M, Thurman RG, Chance B, Reinhold H; British Journal of Radiology; 1972 Jul;45(535):510-4.Retrieved at
  4. ^ “Effects of anticancer agents on the respiration of isolated mitochondria and tumor cells;” Gosalvez M, Blanco M, Hunter J, Miko M, Chance B; European Journal of Cancer;1974 Sep;10(9):567-74. Retrieved at
  5. ^ “Control mechanisms of oxygen and glucose utilization in tumours;” Gosalvez M, Weinhouse S; Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; 1976;75:587-96. Retrieved at
  6. ^ “Stimulation of Tumor-Cell Respiration by Inhibitors of Pyruvate Kinase;” Gosalvez M, Lopez-Alarcon L, Garcia-Suarez S, Montalvo A, Weinhouse S; Eur. J. Biochem, 55, 315-321 (1975).Retrieved at
  7. ^ Cortes-Funes H, Brugarolas A and Gosalvez M. Quelamycin: A summary of Phase I Clinical Trials. Recent Results in Cancer Research, 74, 200-206, 1980. Eds. G Mathe and FM Muggia, Springer-Verlag.Germany. Retrieved at
  8. ^ Brugarolas A and Gosalvez M. Preliminary clinical results with Norgamem (thioproline) and Revercan(2-amino-2- thiazoline): The first inducers of reverse transformation. In:“Adjuvant Therapies of Cancer”. Mathe, Bonnadona and Salmon Eds.Springer–Verlag, Germany.1982, 346. Article retrieved at
  9. ^ “M Gosalvez Gosalvez. [Reversion of cancer and mitochondrial filamentation]. An R Acad Nac Med (Madr) 2000; 117(4):825-34. Retrieved at
  10. ^ “Gosalvez, M and Merchan, J. Induction of rat mammary adenomes with the respiratory inhibitor rotenone. Cancer Research. 33, 3047-3050,1973. Retrieved at
  11. ^ “Gosalvez M., Blanco, M F., Vivero, C and Valles, F. Quelamycin, a new derivative of Adriamycin with several possible therapeutic advantages. European Journal of Cancer. 14, 1185-1190, 1978. Retrieved at
  12. ^ “Gosalvez, M. Thioproline and the reversal of cancer. The Lancet, p. 1108, May 14 1983. Retrieved at
  13. ^ M Gosalvez Gosalvez. [Oxygen production by fillamented mitochondria. Importance in cancer and neurodegeneration]. An R Acad Nac Med (Madr).1998; 115 (3): 747-56. Retrieved at
  14. ^ “M Gosalvez. Mitochondrial Filamentation. AACR 101 Meeting. April 2010. Washington, USA. Retrieved at
  15. ^ Mario Gosalvez y Goslavez. "The Zipper Mechanism". Madrid 1982. The first reedition is due during 2012

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