Maria Christina Bruhn

Maria Christina Bruhn

Maria Christina Bruhn (17321802) was a Swedish inventor, likely to be the first patented female inventor of her country.

Bruhn was the eldest of three daughters of the book printer Johan Bruhn (d. 1742). She took over a tapestry- and wallpaper manufactury after the death of her widowed mother Inga Christina in 1751. In 1771, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences offered a reward for anyone who would be able to produce a suitable package for gunpowder for the army. During her work manufacturing paint and preparing paper, she had been inspired to the idea which she presented to the academy 2 March 1774. In a letter form 1783, she explained that she often experimented during her work. The men of the Academy expressed deep scepticism against the invention of a woman, and it took twelve years of testing, during which she had to fight among others the attempts of Anrep, General of the Artillery, to take credit for her invention, before the ministry of war approved it, recognised her as its inventor and gave her the reward in 1786. Her invention was long used within the Swedish army.

See also


  • Isa Edholm (2001). Kvinnohistoria (Women history). Falun: Alfabeta Bokförlag AB, Stockholm. ISBN 91 501 0054 8.
  • Nationalencyklopedin (The national encyclopedia)
  • Nils Erik Magnus Lönnroth: "Mamsell Bruhn : en svensk uppfinnare i artilleriteknik" (Mamsell Bruhn : a Swedish inventor in artillery technique) (1991)

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