

Marano as a surname has noble Italian origin, derives from last name Marani of Vicenza that came to Naples in the 16th century with Francesco Antonio buried in the church of Sant'Antonelli to Caponapoli in the ancient center of Naples city. Afterwards succeed to Francesco Antonio, Domenico, baron of the Preturo in 1591; Nicola with decree of the Gran Court on December 11, 1691 inherited all the properties of family and getting the title of marquis of Petruro on May 28, 1695 in Madrid; Alexander Marano was last marquis of the Petruro in the 19th century.

The surname was ascribed to the Register of the Vassals and recognized of ancient nobility in 1843 for the admission in the "Company of the Regal Watches" in person of Giovanni Camillo. Pietro Antonio Marano 1° lieutenant of the "12° Battalion Hunters" has participated in the 1860/61 against Piemontesi that invaded the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Registered in the list "Official Noble Italian" since 1922.

First found in Modena, anciently Multina, a city in Emilia capital of the province of Modena. It became Roman in 215 B.C. It was successfully defended by Brutus against Mark Antony. It changed hands many times between Church and Duchy. In 1859 the inhabitants declared in favor of unity with the Kingdom of Italy. The Ducal Palace is notable. Rick in art the city has many museums and galleries. But many noted scholars were born there. In those ancient times only persons of rank, the podesta, clergy, city officials, army officers, artists, landowners were entered into the records. To be recorded at this time in itself a family honor.

Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Francis Marano, who settled in Charles Town (Charleston), South Carolina in 1843; Pater E. Maregno, who arrived in Vermont sometime between 1854 and 1923.

Marano Family Name

Italian: habitational name from any of various places named with the Latin personal name Marius + the suffix -anu, notably Marano di Napoli (Campania), Marano Lagunare (Friuli-Venezia Giulia), Marano Marchesato (Cosenza, Calabria), and Marano dei Marsi (L’Aquila, Abruzzo).

Spelling variations of this family name include: Marano, Maranto, Maurano, Mauritano, Marangoa and many more.

Marano References

Note: Marano is an official family name on record and has no direct relationship with Marrano or Marranos which is truly a reference to a group of historical people. These people had various names other than what they were referred to as a group. On the other hand, like Murano, the name Marano does make reference to several cities found in Italy. This family and/or city name cannot be translated in Spanish, Porteguese or any other non Italian language. As trying to interpret the name as a object would be misleading.

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