

Brutus is a Roman "cognomen" used by several politicians of the Junii family, especially in the Roman Republic. The plural of Brutus is "Bruti", and the vocative form is "Brute", as immortalized in the quotation "Et tu, Brute?".

Ancient Romans with this name

Notable ancient Romans with this cognomen include:

*Marcus Junius Brutus— Caesar's most famous assassin.
*Marcus Junius Brutus the Elder, the father of the aforementioned assassin
*Lucius Junius Brutus — traditional founder of the Republic, whose sons were
**Tiberius Junius Brutus — rebel
**Titus Junius Brutus — rebel
*Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus — commander and another one of Caesar's assassins.
*Decimus Junius Brutus Callaicus — commander and consul of Hispania Ulterior from 138 BC to 136 BC

Other people and things called Brutus

* "Brutus" (Cicero), a history of Roman oratory by Cicero, named after Caesar's assassin
* Brutus of Troy who, according to legend, founded Britain
* Brutus Greenshield, legendary king of the Britons
* Brutus de Villeroi, 19th century French engineer
* "Brutus" (schooner of war), a ship in the Texas Navy
* Bluto (sometimes known as "Brutus"), a cartoon character from "Popeye"
* Brutus, a Czech rock band
* Brutus Buckeye, the mascot of The Ohio State University
* Brutus, New York, a town in Cayuga County, New York, in the USA
* Brutus Jeans, maker of denim apparel in the 1970s and '80s
* Brutus (Canadian band), a 1970s Canadian band
* Joel Brutus (born 1974), a Haitian judoka
* "Junius Brutus", the pen name of the author Charles Blount
* "Brutus" , the pen name of Robert Yates
* Brutus (1862v1884), one of the eight South Devon Railway Dido class steam locomotives
* Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, ring name of American professional wrestler Edward Leslie (born 1957)
* Roman Czerniawski (1910–1985), a World War II double agent code-named BRUTUS.
*Brutus, Łódź Voivodeship (central Poland)"Brutus Alcoholic Beverage": 2 oz Bacon infused Vodka, 8 oz Clamato Juice, 3 Black Olives. Served with ice cubes infused 3 drops of Worchester Sauce.
*Brutus, name of the evil robot army commander in the webcomic

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