

Malefiz, also known as Barricade, is a board game, invented by Werner Schöppner and first marketed in 1959. It was originally distributed by Ravensburger. It is a descendant of the board game Pachisi, but it lacks the former game's circular gameplay, and makes use of extra pieces to build blockades.


Two to four players begin the game with 5 pieces each, arranged at the bottom of the board. The goal is to reach the very top of the board. A roll of the die determines how many places each piece is allowed to move. Players can block their opponents by moving "barricade" pieces to obstruct their path.


The name of the game was creatively derived from the obsolete German word Malefiz (English: "misdeed", "bad action"). The German term originates from the Latin word maleficus (mischievous, profane).

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