

Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH is a German game company. It is a leader in the European puzzle market.


The company was founded by Otto Robert Maier with seat in Ravensburg, a town in Upper Swabia in southern Germany. He began publishing in 1883 with his first author contract. He started publishing instruction folders for craftsmen and architects, which soon acquired him a solid financial basis. His first game appeared in 1884, named "Journey around the world".

At the turn of the 20th century, his product line broadened to include picture books, books, children’s activity books, Art Instruction manuals, non-fiction books, and reference books as well as children’s games, Happy Families and activity kits. In 1900, the Ravensburger blue triangle trademark was registered with the Imperial Patent office. As of 1912, many board and activity games had an export version that was distributed to Western Europe, the countries of the Danube monarchy as well as Russia.

Before the First World War, Ravensburger had around 800 products. The publishing house was undamaged during the Second World War and continued to produce games in the years of the reconstruction. The company focused on children's games and books and specialized books for art, architecture and hobbies, and from 1962 grew strongly. The company started to produce puzzle games in 1964, and in the same year opened subsidiaries in Austria, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. In 1977 the company split into a book publishing arm and a game publishing arm.

Today there are approximately 1,800 available books and 850 games as well as puzzles, hobby products and CD-ROM titles at Ravensburger and its subsidiaries, which include Alea for "hobby and ardent game players" and FX Schmid for games and children's books. Ravensburger products are exported to more than fifty countries.

Notable games

Games sold under the "Ravensburger" imprint:
* "Amazing Labyrinth"
* "Dingbats"
* "Enchanted Forest"
* "Havannah"
* "Java"
* "Mexica"
* "Reversi"
* "Scotland Yard"
* "Take It Easy"
* "Tikal"
* "Top Secret Spies"Games sold under the "Alea" imprint:
* "Puerto Rico"
* " Ra"
* "San Juan"
* "Princes of Florence"
* "Chinatown"Games sold under the "FX Schmid" imprint:
* "Auf Achse"
* "Torres"

External links

* Ravensburger's [http://www.ravensburger.com/ official site] .
* [http://chrisandnaomi.hathawayhome.net/news/family/the_worlds_largest_jigsaw_puzzle World's Largest Jigsaw Puzzle] by Ravensburger.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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